biological - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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biological (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage

The word "biological" relates to life or living organisms. It is often used in contexts involving biology or the study of living things, their processes, and functions. The frequency of use is relatively high, especially in scientific, academic, and medical contexts. It is sometimes more common in written texts, such as research papers, textbooks, and articles, but can also be found in oral communication among professionals and students in related fields.

Example Sentences

  1. The biological studies conducted last year revealed new insights into ecosystem dynamics.
  2. (Biologické studie provedené minulý rok odhalily nové poznatky o dynamice ekosystémů.)

  3. Many diseases can be traced back to biological factors such as genetics.

  4. (Mnohé nemoci mohou být sledovány zpět k biologickým faktorům, jako je genetika.)

  5. Biological diversity is crucial for the stability of our environment.

  6. (Biologická rozmanitost je rozhodující pro stabilitu našeho životního prostředí.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "biological" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, especially in scientific, medical, and everyday contexts. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Biological clock – refers to the natural timing of physiological processes in the body.
  2. Many women feel the pressure of their biological clock as they age.
  3. (Mnoho žen cítí tlak svého biologického času, když stárnou.)

  4. Biological warfare – the use of biological agents as weapons.

  5. The government is taking measures to prevent biological warfare at the borders.
  6. (Vláda přijímá opatření proti biologickým zbraním na hranicích.)

  7. Biological parent – refers to the genetic or natural parent of a child.

  8. She found out that her biological parent was living in another country.
  9. (Zjistila, že její biologický rodič žije v jiné zemi.)

  10. Biological rhythm – the natural cycle that governs physiological changes in living organisms.

  11. Understanding your biological rhythm can help improve your sleep pattern.
  12. (Pochopení vašeho biologického rytmu může pomoci zlepšit váš spánkový režim.)


The term "biological" is derived from the word "biology," which has its roots in the Greek words "bios," meaning "life," and "logos," meaning "study" or "discourse." The term began to gain prominence in the English language in the early 19th century as the field of biology developed.

Synonyms and Antonyms


