bleed pipe - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bleed pipe (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/bleɪd paɪp/

Meaning and Usage

A "bleed pipe" refers to a pipe that is designed to remove fluid, air, or pressure from a system, often used in contexts involving hydraulic or pneumatic systems. It is commonly employed in various industrial applications where pressure needs to be controlled or where removing trapped air is necessary for efficient operation.

Example Sentences

  1. The technicians decided to install a bleed pipe to ensure that any trapped air could be efficiently removed from the system.
  2. Техники решили установить сливную трубу, чтобы гарантировать, что застрявший воздух может быть эффективно удален из системы.

  3. Regular maintenance of the bleed pipe is crucial to prevent any pressure build-up that could lead to system failure.

  4. Регулярное обслуживание сливной трубы имеет решающее значение для предотвращения повышения давления, которое может привести к сбою системы.

  5. If the bleed pipe is clogged, it can cause operational inefficiencies and potentially damage the equipment.

  6. Если сливная труба засорена, это может привести к неэффективной работе и потенциальному повреждению оборудования.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "bleed pipe" itself is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it can form part of technical idioms in specific engineering contexts. However, here are some related idiomatic expressions:

  1. "Bleeding edge technology" — Refers to extremely new or innovative technology that is still undergoing development.
  2. Использование технологии на грани дает компаниям значительное преимущество, но также несет в себе высокие риски.
  3. Using bleeding-edge technology gives companies a significant advantage but also carries high risks.

  4. "Bleed someone dry" — To take away all of someone's resources or money.

  5. Эта ситуация может нас высосать все до конца.
  6. This situation can bleed us dry in no time.

  7. "Too many cooks spoil the broth" — Often brings a comparison to managing a system or process involving multiple contributors; excessive input can complicate operations.

  8. Если в проекте будет слишком много участников, он может превратиться в хаос, и весь процесс окажется под угрозой.
  9. If there are too many cooks in the project, it can turn chaotic, and the entire process may be at risk.


The term "bleed" is derived from the Old English blēodan, which means to "give out" or "flow". The word "pipe" originates from the Latin pipa, which means a tube or pipe. Together, "bleed pipe" denotes a pipe that allows fluid to exit.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive information should give you a solid understanding of the term "bleed pipe" and its contextual usage in the English language.
