bombesin-like peptide - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bombesin-like peptide (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (specifically a scientific term)

Phonetic Transcription

/bɒmˈbiːzɪn-laɪk pəˈpiːd/

Meaning and Usage

Meaning: Bombesin-like peptide refers to a group of neuropeptides that are structurally similar to bombesin, a peptide originally found in frog skin. These peptides play roles in various physiological functions, including the regulation of gastric secretion and the stimulation of neuroendocrine functions.

Usage: The term is primarily used in a scientific or medical context, particularly in discussions regarding neuropeptides and their effects on the body.

Frequency of Use: The phrase "bombesin-like peptide" is not a commonly used term in everyday conversation. It is mostly found in academic, clinical, or research papers. Its usage is more prevalent in written texts than in spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. "Researchers are studying the effects of bombesin-like peptide on appetite regulation."
    (Самые исследователи изучают влияние пептида, похожего на бомбезин, на регуляцию аппетита.)

  2. "The role of bombesin-like peptide in neuroendocrine signaling is being increasingly recognized."
    (Роль пептида, похожего на бомбезин, в нейроэндокринной сигнализации становится все более признанной.)

  3. "Bombesin-like peptide has shown promise in cancer treatment due to its proliferative properties."
    (Пептид, похожий на бомбезин, показал многообещающие результаты в лечении рака благодаря своим пролиферативным свойствам.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "bombesin-like peptide" itself does not form any common idiomatic expressions in the English language due to its specialized scientific context. However, here are some relevant expressions involving peptides that pertain to biological sciences:

  1. "Peptide signaling pathways"
    (Пептидные сигнальные пути) - Refers to the routes through which peptides send signals in biological systems.
  2. "Understanding peptide signaling pathways is crucial for developing new therapies."
    (Понимание пептидных сигнальных путей важно для разработки новых терапий.)

  3. "Peptide synthesis"
    (Синтез пептидов) - The process of creating peptides in a laboratory setting.

  4. "Peptide synthesis has advanced significantly over the last two decades."
    (Синтез пептидов значительно продвинулся за последние два десятилетия.)

  5. "Neuropeptide functions"
    (Функции нейропептидов) - The various roles that neuropeptides play in the body.

  6. "Studying neuropeptide functions helps us understand how the brain regulates behavior."
    (Изучение функций нейропептидов помогает нам понять, как мозг регулирует поведение.)


The term "bombesin" comes from the Latin "bombicina," meaning "of or relating to the bumblebee," with "-in" as a common suffix for peptides. The term "like" is an English word used to denote similarity. "Peptide" derives from the Greek word "peptēs," which means "digested."

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Neuropeptide (generally refers to a broader class of similar proteins)
- Gastroenteropancreatic peptide (specific family to which bombesin-like peptide may belong)

While there are no direct antonyms for bombesin-like peptide, in terms of biological functions, one could argue that "antagonistic peptides" could serve as an opposing concept.

This information offers a comprehensive analysis of the term "bombesin-like peptide", highlighting its significance, usage, and related biological concepts.
