builder and contractor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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builder and contractor (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage


A builder is a person or company that constructs buildings. Builders are typically engaged in physical construction and may work with various materials and tools to create residential or commercial structures. The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to construction and real estate.


A contractor is a person or company that enters into a formal agreement to provide services or complete a project. This term is mostly used in the context of construction, referring to someone who manages the undertaking of a building project, hiring workers and subcontractors for specific tasks. Like "builder," "contractor" is frequently used in both spoken and written English, particularly in business and legal contexts.

Frequency of Use

Both "builder" and "contractor" are common terms in the English language, especially within the construction industry. They can also be frequently found in discussions about home renovations and real estate transactions.

Example Sentences

  1. Builder and contractor need to coordinate effectively for a successful project.
    El constructor y el contratista necesitan coordinarse eficazmente para un proyecto exitoso.

  2. The builder and contractor team will start the renovations next week.
    El equipo del constructor y el contratista comenzará las renovaciones la próxima semana.

  3. My uncle was a great builder and contractor who completed many homes in the area.
    Mi tío era un gran constructor y contratista que completó muchas casas en el área.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the phrases "builder" and "contractor" do not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions directly associated with them in English, they may be involved in some industry-related phrases. Here are some useful related expressions:

  1. Build from the ground up
    We had to build the project from the ground up when the initial plans fell through.
    Tuvimos que construir el proyecto desde cero cuando los planes iniciales fracasaron.

  2. Cut corners
    If a contractor cuts corners, the quality of work will suffer.
    Si un contratista se salta pasos, la calidad del trabajo se verá afectada.

  3. On the drawing board
    The new building project is still on the drawing board, awaiting final approval by the contractor.
    El nuevo proyecto de construcción todavía está en la mesa de dibujo, esperando la aprobación final del contratista.

  4. Get down to brass tacks
    It’s time to get down to brass tacks and discuss the contractor’s budget.
    Es hora de ponernos serios y discutir el presupuesto del contratista.


Synonyms and Antonyms


