bulbous stern - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bulbous stern (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective (bulbous) + Noun (stern)

Phonetic Transcription

/bʌl.bəs/ /stɜrn/

Meaning and Usage

In the phrase "bulbous stern," the adjective describes a stern (rear) of a vessel that is rounded or swollen in appearance. This term is the most frequently used in nautical contexts, particularly in shipbuilding and design, and is more common in written technical or academic contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. The ship's bulbous stern allowed for better stability in rough waters.
    (El trasero bulboso del barco permitía una mejor estabilidad en aguas turbulentas.)

  2. Engineers are now implementing designs that feature a bulbous stern to improve fuel efficiency.
    (Los ingenieros ahora están implementando diseños que presentan un trasero bulboso para mejorar la eficiencia del combustible.)

  3. The yacht's sleek lines were complemented by its bulbous stern, making it a head-turner at the marina.
    (Las líneas elegantes del yate se complementaban con su trasero bulboso, convirtiéndolo en el centro de atención en el puerto deportivo.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "bulbous stern" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, as it is a specific nautical term. However, "stern" is part of a few idiomatic expressions.

  1. Stern but fair: Referring to someone who is strict but just.
  2. "The captain was stern but fair, leading the crew with a firm hand."
    (El capitán era estricto pero justo, guiando a la tripulación con mano firme.)

  3. Bark is worse than the bite: This means someone seems stricter than they are.

  4. "Her stern demeanor made it seem like she was tough, but her bark is worse than her bite."
    (Su comportamiento severo hizo que pareciera dura, pero su ladrido es peor que su mordisco.)

  5. Stern warning: A serious or severe admonition.

  6. "The officer issued a stern warning to the sailors about following safety procedures."
    (El oficial dio una advertencia severa a los marineros sobre seguir los procedimientos de seguridad.)


Synonyms and Antonyms
