Adjective / Past Participle of the verb "bury".
The term "buried" primarily means to be placed under the ground or covered up. It can refer to literal actions, as in the burial of a body, or metaphorically to something that is concealed or hidden away. Its usage varies, appearing in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more common in written discourse due to its associations with themes of death, loss, or concealment.
In terms of frequency, "buried" is common in literature, conversations regarding death, and discussions about hidden emotions or truths.
Example Sentences:
1. The treasure was buried deep in the sand.
Сокровище было зарыто глубоко в песке.
He felt buried under the weight of his responsibilities.
Он чувствовал себя погребённым под тяжестью своих обязанностей.
The old photos were buried in a box in the attic.
Старые фотографии были зарыты в коробке на чердаке.
The term "buried" commonly appears in several idiomatic expressions that convey the idea of concealment or overwhelm:
"She is buried in work this week."
Она погружена в работу на этой неделе.
Buried under the paperwork
"I am completely buried under the paperwork; I can't think straight."
Я полностью погружён в бумажную работу; я не могу нормально мыслить.
Buried emotions
"He has a lot of buried emotions that he needs to confront."
У него много подавленных эмоций, с которыми ему нужно справиться.
Buried secrets
"The town has many buried secrets from its past."
В городе есть много скрытых секретов из его прошлого.
Buried treasure
"Legend has it that there is buried treasure on this island."
По легенде, на этом острове зарыто сокровище.
Buried alive
The word "buried" originates from the Old English "byrgan," which means "to bury, to conceal." The historical context links it to the literal act of burial related to death and the figurative sense of concealing or hiding something.
Synonyms: - Interred - Concealed - Hidden - Covered
Antonyms: - Exposed - Revealed - Uncovered - Disclosed