Noun phrase
/bɜrst ʌv ˈnjuːtrənz/
"burst of neutrons" refers to a sudden release or emission of neutrons, often occurring in a nuclear reaction or scientific context. This phrase is generally used in written contexts, particularly in scientific literature, research papers, and technical discussions related to nuclear physics, radiation, or similar fields. The usage frequency is moderate, primarily prevalent in academic and professional discourse rather than casual conversation.
Реактор подвергся выплеску нейтронов, что указывало на возможный сбой.
Researchers observed a significant burst of neutrons during the experiment, raising safety concerns.
Исследователи наблюдали значительный выплеск нейтронов во время эксперимента, что вызвало опасения по поводу безопасности.
The detection of a burst of neutrons confirmed the theory of neutron star collisions.
While "burst of neutrons" is specific and technical, it does not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions associated with it. However, the word "burst" often features in various idiomatic contexts. Here are some examples:
Лаборатория была переполнена новым оборудованием для экспериментов с нейтронами.
Burst one's bubble: The scientist's discovery burst the bubble of misconceptions about neutron behavior.
Открытие ученого разрушило иллюзии о поведении нейтронов.
Burst into flames: During the experiment, there was a brief moment when the device appeared to burst into flames, alongside a burst of neutrons.
Во время эксперимента был краткий момент, когда устройство, казалось, вспыхнуло, сопровождаясь выплеском нейтронов.
Burst with pride: The team burst with pride after successfully measuring a significant burst of neutrons.
The word "burst" originates from the Middle English "bersten," which means to break open suddenly. "Neutron" is derived from the Latin "neutrum," meaning neither, indicating its neutral charge, combined with the Greek suffix "-on," used in the terminology of subatomic particles.
Synonyms: surge of neutrons, emission of neutrons, release of neutrons
Antonyms: absorption of neutrons, capture of neutrons
In conclusion, "burst of neutrons" is a technical phrase primarily used in the realm of nuclear physics and scientific research, lacking common idiomatic usage but featuring terminology closely associated with various expressions involving "burst."