/kənˈstrʌk.tɪ.bəl ˈtɒp.ə.lə.dʒi/
Constructible topology is a concept in the field of mathematics, particularly in topology and set theory. It refers to a topology (a collection of open sets satisfying certain properties) that can be constructed from a given set, often leveraging various mathematical constructs or axioms. The term is often used in discussions involving the foundations of mathematics, the constructible universe (a set-theoretic model), and the nature of definable and computable sets.
The term "constructible topology" is primarily used in written mathematical contexts, including academic papers, textbooks, and lectures. It is a specialized term that is not commonly used in everyday conversation.
(El matemático propuso una nueva topología constructible para analizar mejor las propiedades de los espacios complejos.)
In her research, she investigated the implications of constructible topology in set theory.
(En su investigación, investigó las implicaciones de la topología constructible en la teoría de conjuntos.)
The students struggled to grasp the concept of constructible topology during the advanced math course.
While "constructible topology" itself is a specialized term without direct idiomatic expressions, it can be related to broader mathematical or philosophical constructs. Below are idiomatic usages that involve "constructible" or "topology" and imply similar contextual meanings.
(El profesor nos animó a construir un argumento utilizando los principios de la topología constructible.)
Construct a framework
(Los investigadores deben construir un marco que incorpore la topología constructible para sus modelos teóricos.)
Topology of thought
The term "constructible" comes from the Latin word "constructibilis," meaning "able to be constructed." "Topology" derives from the Greek roots "topos," meaning "place," and "logia," meaning "study." It reflects the mathematical study of spatial properties and structures.
Synonyms: - Definable topology - Computable topology
Antonyms: - Indefinable topology - Non-constructible topology
This combination of definitions, examples, and related terms provides a well-rounded perspective on the term "constructible topology" within its mathematical context.