Noun Phrase
/kənˌtɪn.juˈeɪ.ʃən ˈmɛθəd/
The term "continuation method" refers to a problem-solving technique used, often in the context of mathematics, engineering, or project management. It typically involves maintaining or extending a process or function to achieve a desired outcome or to analyze a situation further. This phrase is common in both written and spoken English, particularly in academic or technical environments.
The frequency of use for "continuation method" is relatively low compared to more general terms. It is mainly found in specialized contexts, such as academic papers, technical reports, and discussions in areas that require specific methodologies. It is often used in written form more than in casual speech.
Инженеры использовали метод продолжения, чтобы гарантировать, что проект останется в графике.
By applying the continuation method, researchers were able to derive a more accurate model of the data.
Применив метод продолжения, исследователи смогли создать более точную модель данных.
The continuation method proved essential in the iterative design process.
While "continuation method" is not typically part of common idiomatic expressions in English, it can be associated with phrases that emphasize ongoing processes or continuation in discussions. Here are some related idiomatic expressions and their example sentences.
Нам нужно продолжать действовать, используя метод продолжения, чтобы уложиться в сроки.
Go the extra mile
Команда сделала все возможное, воспользовавшись методом продолжения, превзойдя ожидания клиента.
Carry on regardless
The word "continuation" stems from the Latin word continuare, meaning "to join together, unite," which is derived from continuus, meaning "uninterrupted." The word "method" comes from the Greek methodos, meaning "pursuit," which is composed of meta (after) and hodos (way).
Synonyms: - Ongoing method - Extension technique - Continuity approach
Antonyms: - Termination method - Discontinuation approach - Stopping strategy