The term "cortexone" is less commonly known and appears to refer to a specific compound related to the adrenal cortex or a similar scientific context. Given its specialized nature, its frequency of use is low and it is likely found more in written scientific literature or medical research than in everyday conversation.
Исследование показало, что кортиксон играет решающую роль в регулировании реакции на стресс у млекопитающих.
Researchers are exploring the therapeutic potential of cortexone in treating anxiety disorders.
Исследователи изучают терапевтический потенциал кортиксона в лечении тревожных расстройств.
The effects of cortexone on metabolism were documented in several recent studies.
The term "cortexone" does not commonly appear in idiomatic expressions, as it is a specialized term. However, to illustrate the use of "cortex" in idiomatic expressions or related contexts, here are a few examples where "cortex" is relevant:
"Думать вне коры" – относится к рассмотрению инновационных или нетрадиционных идей.
"Cortex overload" – Used to describe a situation where someone is overwhelmed with information or stress.
"Перегрузка коры" – используется для описания ситуации, когда кто-то перегружен информацией или стрессом.
"Cortex and creativity" – Discusses the relationship between brain function and creative thinking.
The word "cortex" comes from Latin, meaning "bark" or "outer layer", indicating its anatomical context as the outer layer of an organ, such as the brain or adrenal glands. The suffix "one" often denotes a hormone or substance, commonly used in biochemistry.
In summary, "cortexone" is a specialized term with limited everyday usage, primarily found in scientific and medical contexts.