Noun phrase
/kɔst fɔr ˈstɔrkˌkipɪŋ/
The phrase "cost for storekeeping" refers to the expenses incurred in managing and maintaining inventory in a store or warehouse. This includes costs related to labor, storage space, utilities, equipment, insurance, and depreciation of goods. In terms of frequency of use, the phrase is more commonly found in written contexts such as business reports, accounting documents, and supply chain management literature.
The cost for storekeeping has risen significantly due to higher rent prices and increased labor costs.
翻译: 店铺管理的成本因租金上涨和劳动力成本增加而显著上升。
Companies must consider the cost for storekeeping when evaluating their inventory management strategies.
翻译: 公司在评估其库存管理策略时必须考虑店铺管理的成本。
Effective reduction of the cost for storekeeping can lead to higher profit margins for retail businesses.
翻译: 有效降低店铺管理成本可以为零售企业带来更高的利润率。
While the phrase "cost for storekeeping" itself is not widely featured in idiomatic expressions, the concepts associated with it can be found in various idioms relating to expenses and management:
Cut costs: Many retailers are looking for ways to cut costs to improve their overall business profitability.
翻译: 许多零售商正在寻找降低成本的方法,以改善整体业务盈利能力。
Keep the books: It's important for a business to keep the books accurately to track the cost for storekeeping effectively.
翻译: 企业为了有效跟踪店铺管理成本,准确保持账目是非常重要的。
Bottom line: The bottom line is that the cost for storekeeping needs to be controlled tightly to ensure the viability of the business.
翻译: 底线是,店铺管理的成本需要被严密控制,以确保企业的生存能力。
Penny wise, pound foolish: Focusing too much on reducing the cost for storekeeping can be penny wise, pound foolish if it affects product quality.
翻译: 过于注重降低店铺管理成本可能是典型的“得不偿失”,如果它影响了产品质量。
Synonyms: - Expense for inventory management - Storage costs - Warehousing expenses
Antonyms: - Savings in store management - Income from store operations - Profitability from inventory management