Noun phrase
/kɔst əv sɜr.kjəˈleɪ.ʃən/
The phrase "cost of circulation" refers to the expenses associated with the distribution and dissemination of materials, most commonly seen in the context of print media, such as newspapers and magazines. It measures how much it costs to distribute printed materials to the public or to a specific audience.
This term is frequently used in both formal written contexts, such as financial reports and analyses, and occasionally in oral discussions about business strategies in media and publishing. The usage frequency can vary depending on the industry context, but it is generally less common in everyday conversation.
Значительные увеличения стоимости распределения произошли из-за роста цен на топливо для служб доставки.
To determine profitability, the magazine needs to evaluate the cost of circulation against its revenue from subscriptions and advertisements.
Чтобы определить прибыльность, журнал должен оценить стоимость рассылки в сравнении с доходом от подписок и рекламы.
In today's digital age, many companies are questioning the relevance of the cost of circulation for traditional print media.
While "cost of circulation" is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions specifically, the broader context of circulation in publishing has led to several related phrases and expressions.
Издатель проявил готовность заплатить цену за распространение, чтобы привлечь молодую аудиторию.
"Maximizing profit margins against circulation costs"
Компании должны сосредоточиться на максимизации прибыли в сравнении со стоимостью распространения для обеспечения устойчивости.
"Balancing the cost of circulation with digital alternatives"
Многие газеты балансируют стоимость распространения с цифровыми альтернативами, чтобы оставаться конкурентоспособными.
"Reducing the cost of circulation to enhance profitability"
The term "cost" is derived from the Latin word "constare," meaning to stand firm or to cost; "of" serves as a preposition indicating relationship, and "circulation" comes from the Latin "circulatio," which means "a moving in a circular course."