curtain peg - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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curtain peg (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/kɜːrtn pɛɡ/

Meaning and Usage

The term "curtain peg" refers to a small device used to secure curtains in place. These pegs can also be used to hold curtains back when they are opened, allowing for better light entry or an aesthetic appeal in a room setting.

In the English language, "curtain peg" is relatively specialized, primarily used in contexts related to interior design, home decor, and window treatments. Its frequency of use is moderate and is more commonly found in written contexts, such as DIY articles, interior design publications, or online home improvement forums.

Example Sentences

  1. The curtain peg fell off the wall, causing the curtains to slide down.
  2. Translation: Заглушка для штор упала со стены, вызвав падение штор.

  3. She used a curtain peg to keep the heavy fabric in place.

  4. Translation: Она использовала заглушку для штор, чтобы удерживать тяжелую ткань на месте.

  5. The designer recommended using curtain pegs to add a stylish touch to the room.

  6. Translation: Дизайнер посоветовал использовать заглушки для штор, чтобы добавить стильный акцент в комнате.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "curtain peg" may not be widely used in idioms, it can be associated with the phrase "to pull the curtains" or "draw the curtains," which means to end something or to keep something hidden.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "It's time to draw the curtains on this project."
  2. Translation: Пора закрыть завесу над этим проектом.

  3. "Don't pull the curtains too early; we might still need to see what's going on."

  4. Translation: Не закрывай завесу слишком рано; нам, возможно, еще нужно будет увидеть, что происходит.

  5. "I like to pull the curtains in the evenings to keep things private."

  6. Translation: Мне нравится закрывать завесу по вечерам, чтобы сохранить уединение.

  7. "Pulling back the curtains revealed a beautiful morning outside."

  8. Translation: Открытие завесы открыло красивое утро снаружи.

  9. "He tends to pull the curtains on uncomfortable discussions."

  10. Translation: Он склонен закрывать завесу над неудобными обсуждениями.


The word "curtain" originates from the Old French "cortine," which comes from the Latin "cortina," meaning "a curtain," while "peg" comes from Middle English "pegge," possibly of Scandinavian origin, related to "peg" in modern English meaning a small cylindrical device used to hold something in place.

Synonyms and Antonyms



By understanding the different aspects related to "curtain peg," one can appreciate its function and significance in both everyday language and specific contexts pertaining to home decor.
