Frequency of use: Commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to trade, travel, and cultural practices.
Customs revive their interest in traditional festivals.
(Die Zollbehörden beleben ihr Interesse an traditionellen Festen.)
Efforts to customs revive practices from the past can enhance cultural awareness.
(Bemühungen, Bräuche wiederzubeleben, können das kulturelle Bewusstsein fördern.)
Government initiatives aim to customs revive the trade agreements to boost the economy.
(Die Initiativen der Regierung zielen darauf ab, Handelsabkommen wiederzubeleben, um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln.)
"Customs" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, primarily related to cultural practices, regulations, and societal expectations. Here are some examples:
Customs and traditions dictate the way we celebrate holidays.
(Zoll- und Traditionsvorgaben bestimmen, wie wir Feiertage feiern.)
Breaking with customs is sometimes necessary to foster innovation.
(Mit Bräuchen zu brechen ist manchmal notwendig, um Innovation zu fördern.)
You have to respect the customs of the country you are visiting.
(Sie müssen die Bräuche des Landes respektieren, das Sie besuchen.)
It's important to revive lost customs to preserve our cultural heritage.
(Es ist wichtig, verlorene Bräuche wiederzubeleben, um unser kulturelles Erbe zu bewahren.)
Old customs die hard, especially in rural areas.
(Alte Bräuche sterben schwer, besonders in ländlichen Gebieten.)
Antonyms: innovations, changes.