demasculinize - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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demasculinize (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Demasculinize is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

Demasculinize refers to the act of removing or diminishing masculine qualities from something or someone. It can be used in discussions about gender roles, identity, and societal expectations. The frequency of use for this term is relatively low, as it is more often found in academic or sociopolitical contexts rather than in everyday conversation. It is primarily used in written contexts, such as articles, essays, and discussions about gender studies.

Example Sentences

  1. The goal of the campaign was to demasculinize traditional notions of strength and power.
  2. Цель кампании состояла в том, чтобы демаскулинизировать традиционные представления о силе и власти.

  3. Some argue that media portrayals can demasculinize men, leading to confusion about gender roles.

  4. Некоторые утверждают, что образы в СМИ могут демаскулинизировать мужчин, что приводит к путанице в вопросах гендерных ролей.

  5. The workshop aimed to help participants demasculinize their understanding of relationships and emotional expression.

  6. Мастерская была направлена на то, чтобы помочь участникам демаскулинизировать их понимание отношений и эмоционального выражения.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "demasculinize" is not commonly found within established idiomatic expressions, but the concept of gender roles can be referenced in other idioms. Below are a few examples:

  1. Break the mold - To stop following rigid stereotypes.
  2. It's time to break the mold and demasculinize our expectations of what a man should be.
  3. Пора сломать стереотипы и демаскулинизировать наши ожидания о том, каким должен быть мужчина.

  4. Too masculine for his own good - Overly adhering to masculine traits that may be detrimental.

  5. He is too masculine for his own good, which is why we need to demasculinize the concept of masculinity.
  6. Он слишком маскулинен и это плохо для него, поэтому нам нужно демаскулинизировать понятие мужественности.

  7. Not your father's - Suggesting a change from past stereotypes or behaviors.

  8. This is not your father's view of masculinity; we must demasculinize such outdated ideas.
  9. Это не точка зрения мужественности твоего отца; мы должны демаскулинизировать такие устаревшие идеи.


The word "demasculinize" is formed from the prefix "de-" meaning "removal" or "reverse of," combined with "masculinize," which comes from "masculine" (from Latin "masculinus"). The evolution of the term reflects broader societal changes in the understanding of gender roles.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Feminize - Softening - De-gendering

Antonyms: - Masculinize - Strengthen - Harden
