design flow - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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design flow (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage

"Design flow" refers to the sequence and organization of steps or processes taken in the creation and implementation of a design. It encompasses how various elements within a design interact and progress from concept to completion. The term is frequently used in fields such as engineering, graphic design, architecture, and software development.

The frequency of use for "design flow" tends to be higher in technical and professional settings, particularly in written contexts such as academic papers, reports, and industry-related publications, rather than in everyday spoken English.

Example Sentences: 1. The design flow of the new software ensures that users have a seamless experience.
(El flujo de diseño del nuevo software garantiza que los usuarios tengan una experiencia sin interrupciones.)

  1. Our team worked hard to optimize the design flow for the new product line.
    (Nuestro equipo trabajó duro para optimizar el flujo de diseño para la nueva línea de productos.)

  2. By following a structured design flow, we can reduce errors and improve efficiency.
    (Al seguir un flujo de diseño estructurado, podemos reducir errores y mejorar la eficiencia.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "design flow" itself may not be commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it can be related to several key concepts in design and efficiency:

  1. Go with the flow
    This expression means to be adaptable to changes and to go along with what is happening rather than resisting.
    (La expresión significa ser adaptable a los cambios y seguir lo que está sucediendo en lugar de resistir.)
  2. "In design, it’s important to go with the flow when new ideas emerge."
    (En el diseño, es importante ir con el flujo cuando surgen nuevas ideas.)

  3. Flow of ideas
    Referring to a smooth and continuous exchange or progression of creative thoughts.
    (Refiriéndose a un intercambio o progreso suave y continuo de pensamientos creativos.)

  4. "During the brainstorming session, the flow of ideas was exceptional."
    (Durante la sesión de lluvia de ideas, el flujo de ideas fue excepcional.)

  5. Design on a dime
    This idiom means to create something remarkable with a limited budget or resources.
    (Este modismo significa crear algo notable con un presupuesto o recursos limitados.)

  6. "We need to design on a dime to stay within our project budget."
    (Necesitamos diseñar con un presupuesto limitado para mantenernos dentro del presupuesto del proyecto.)


The word "design" comes from the Latin "designare," meaning "to mark out, to devise." The term "flow" originates from the Old English "flōw," which means to flow or emit in a stream. The combination of these two terms symbolizes the structured movement or sequence in the design process.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Design process - Workflow - Creative process

Antonyms: - Chaos - Disorganization - Disorder
