diamond-drilling-bit matrix - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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diamond-drilling-bit matrix (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈdaɪ.ə.mənd ˈdrɪl.ɪŋ bɪt ˈmæt.rɪks/

Meaning and Usage

A diamond-drilling-bit matrix refers to a specialized tool used in the drilling industry, specifically for creating holes in very hard materials, such as rock or concrete. The term combines "diamond-drilling-bit," which refers to a drill bit with diamond particles embedded in it (allowing for efficient and effective drilling), and "matrix," which generally refers to the binding agent that holds the diamond particles together.

This term is primarily used in technical contexts related to construction, mining, geological exploration, and similar fields. Its frequency of use is more prevalent in written contexts, such as technical manuals, industry reports, and academic articles, rather than in everyday oral conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. The construction crew used a diamond-drilling-bit matrix to penetrate the solid rock quickly.
    La cuadrilla de construcción utilizó un matriz de bit de perforación de diamante para penetrar rápidamente la roca sólida.

  2. A high-quality diamond-drilling-bit matrix can significantly reduce drilling time.
    Una matriz de bit de perforación de diamante de alta calidad puede reducir significativamente el tiempo de perforación.

  3. Engineers recommend specific types of diamond-drilling-bit matrixes for different geological conditions.
    Los ingenieros recomiendan tipos específicos de matrices de bits de perforación de diamante para diferentes condiciones geológicas.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "diamond-drilling-bit matrix" itself is not commonly found in idioms or expressions; however, the concepts of "diamond," "drilling," and "matrix" can appear in various phrases within specific contexts. Below are examples of idiomatic expressions that incorporate these terms:

  1. "Diamonds are forever" - Refers to the enduring nature of diamonds, often used to describe a lasting relationship or product.
    Los diamantes son para siempre, y refleja la naturaleza eterna de los productos que se fabrican con ellos.
    (Diamonds are forever, and reflects the eternal nature of the products made with them.)

  2. "Cutting through the noise" - This expression indicates making sense of distractions, akin to how a diamond can cut through hard material efficiently.
    En una reunión tan ruidosa, necesitábamos cortar a través del ruido para obtener puntos claros.
    (In such a noisy meeting, we needed to cut through the noise to get clear points.)

  3. "Drill down" - This means to investigate something more thoroughly.
    Es importante perforar a fondo el análisis de datos para obtener mejores resultados.
    (It's important to drill down the data analysis to get better results.)

  4. "The matrix of our decision-making" - Refers to the underlying system or structure that guides decisions.
    La matriz de nuestra toma de decisiones se basa en datos precisos y análisis de riesgo.
    (The matrix of our decision-making is based on accurate data and risk analysis.)


The term "diamond" comes from the Greek word "adamas," meaning unbreakable or invincible. "Drilling" is derived from the Old English "drillan," which means to turn over or bore a hole. The word "bit" originates from the Old English "bitt," meaning "the biting part of a tool." Lastly, "matrix" comes from the Latin word "matrix," meaning "womb" or "source," which has evolved to denote a context or environment in which something develops.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Core drill - Diamond bit - Drill bit matrix

Antonyms: - Plug (in the context of blocking a hole) - Cap

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the phrase "diamond-drilling-bit matrix" from various linguistic angles, contextual usage, and relevant expressions.
