Noun Phrase
/draɪ brɛd/
"Dry bread" refers to bread that has lost its moisture content, making it hard and unpalatable for some. It can also metaphorically represent a lack of resources or unsatisfactory living conditions. In English, "dry bread" is not an extremely common phrase, used more in written contexts when illustrating hardship or frugality rather than in daily spoken language.
The phrase "dry bread" is not often used in everyday conversation. It tends to appear more in literature, poetry, historical contexts, or discussions about basic sustenance.
"After the war, many families survived on dry bread and water."
После войны многие семьи выживали на сухом хлебе и воде.
"He often joked that his finances were so tight he was living on dry bread."
Он часто шутил, что его финансы были так поджаты, что он жил на сухом хлебе.
"The children complained about having to eat dry bread every day."
Дети жаловались, что им приходилось есть сухой хлеб каждый день.
While "dry bread" itself is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, the concept of "bread" often appears in various phrases.
"Breaking bread" with friends helps to strengthen the bond between them.
Ломая хлеб с друзьями, мы укрепляем наши связи.
"A piece of bread" can mean a small portion or a modest amount of something.
Кусок хлеба может означать небольшую порцию или скромное количество чего-то.
"Breadwinner" refers to the primary income earner in a household.
"Кормилец" относится к основному добытчику в семье.
"Baker's dozen" means thirteen, often used in the context of pricing or selling items in bulk.
"Сказочная дюжина" означает тринадцать, часто используется в контексте ценообразования или продажи товаров оптом.
"Bread and butter" refers to someone's main source of income or livelihood.
"Хлеб и масло" относится к основному источнику дохода или средств к существованию.
"To earn one's bread" means to work for a living.
"Заработать себе хлеб" означает работать для существования.
The word "dry" originates from the Old English "drīge", meaning "free from moisture," while "bread" comes from the Old English "brēad", which refers to a food made from flour and water. Together, "dry bread" signifies bread that has lost its moisture, metaphorically or literally implying a state of deprivation or simplicity.
Synonyms: stale bread, hardtack (in historical contexts), unpalatable bread.
Antonyms: fresh bread, moist bread, soft bread.