/djuːəl ɪnˈdʌkʃən ˈlɔːɡɪŋ/
Meaning: Dual induction logging is a technique used in geological and petroleum engineering that utilizes electromagnetic induction principles to measure the properties of formations surrounding a wellbore. It provides valuable data about the electrical resistivity of subsurface materials, which can help deduce the presence of hydrocarbons or other valuable resources.
Frequency of Use: The term is primarily used within technical and scientific contexts, specifically in the oil and gas industry and geology. It is not commonly used in everyday conversation, making it more prevalent in written and professional communication than in oral speech.
"Геолог использовал двойное индукционное логгирование для более точного анализа горных пород."
"By utilizing dual induction logging, the team was able to identify potential drilling sites."
"Используя двойное индукционное логгирование, команда смогла определить потенциальные места для бурения."
"On the last project, we discovered unexpected anomalies in resistivity through dual induction logging."
While "dual induction logging" itself does not integrate into common idiomatic expressions, terms related to logging and induction are often found in technical discussions. Below are some expressions and phrases that include related concepts.
"We need to log the data before proceeding with the investigation."
"Induction methods are crucial"
"Induction methods are crucial for accurate reservoir assessment."
"Reading the log"
"Reading the log helped understand the well's behavior."
"It's a no-brainer for dual evaluations"
"It's a no-brainer for dual evaluations."
"On the cutting edge of logging technology"
The term "dual induction logging" is composed of three components: - Dual: Originating from the Latin "dualis," meaning "twofold" or "double." - Induction: Derived from the Latin "inductio," meaning "to lead in" or "to introduce," which refers to the process of inducing electromagnetic fields. - Logging: From the Old English "log," meaning "a record," referring to the systematic recording of data, especially in the context of well drilling.
Synonyms: Electromagnetic logging, resistivity logging, geophysical logging.
Antonyms: Inaccuracy measurement, random sampling (used in a context where precision is contrasted with randomness).
This comprehensive overview should provide a solid understanding of "dual induction logging," its usage, and related concepts.