/dʌm ʃoʊ/
The term "dumb show" refers to a performance, often in theater or opera, where characters communicate their actions, emotions, and intentions through gestures and movements rather than spoken dialogue. It serves to convey a story or message without the use of words, often emphasizing physical expression.
Frequency of Use: "Dumb show" is a relatively specialized term primarily used in literary, theatrical, and academic contexts. It is less common in everyday speech, making it more frequent in written content related to performance art, literature, and drama studies.
The artist used a dumb show to express the tragedy of his character's situation.
L'artiste a utilisé un spectacle muet pour exprimer la tragédie de la situation de son personnage.
Audience members often find the dumb show to be a powerful way of conveying complex emotions.
Les membres du public trouvent souvent que le spectacle muet est un moyen puissant de transmettre des émotions complexes.
During the rehearsal, the director emphasized the importance of the dumb show in conveying the story without words.
Lors de la répétition, le réalisateur a souligné l'importance du spectacle muet pour transmettre l'histoire sans mots.
The term "dumb show" is typically not featured in many idiomatic expressions. However, it represents a broader concept of non-verbal communication within performance art.
"Put on a dumb show" - To act out a scene or situation without speaking, often to communicate something deeply without verbal explanation.
Mettre en scène un spectacle muet - Agir dans une scène ou situation sans parler, souvent pour communiquer quelque chose de profondément sans explication verbale.
"Dumb show of emotions" - A display of feelings through gestures rather than speaking the words.
Spectacle muet des émotions - Une démonstration de sentiments par des gestes plutôt que par des mots.
"A dumb show of rivalry" - A display of competition that is evident through behavior rather than verbal confrontation.
Un spectacle muet de rivalité - Une démonstration de compétition évidente par le comportement plutôt que par une confrontation verbale.
The term "dumb show" originates from the early 17th century, combining "dumb," meaning unable to speak, often used historically to denote someone unable to verbally express themselves, with "show," signifying a display or performance. The concept emphasizes the act of communicating without spoken words.