duoplasmatron - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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duoplasmatron (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

A "duoplasmatron" is a type of ion source typically used in various applications, including physics and materials science. It operates by producing charged particles from gases in a plasma state, which are then used in experiments or for particle acceleration. The term is more commonly encountered in scientific or technical contexts. Its frequency of use is relatively low compared to everyday vocabulary, mainly appearing in written texts relating to physics, engineering, or specialized research rather than in everyday spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. The researchers utilized a duoplasmatron to generate the required ion beam for their experiments.
    Исследователи использовали дуплазматрон для генерации требуемого ионного потока для своих экспериментов.

  2. Advances in technology have improved the efficiency of duoplasmatrons in producing high-energy plasma.
    Прогресс в технологиях улучшил эффективность дуплазматронов в производстве высокоэнергетической плазмы.

  3. The duoplasmatron was integral to the success of the particle collision experiment.
    Дуплазматрон был неотъемлемой частью успеха эксперимента по столкновению частиц.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "duoplasmatron" does not appear to be part of commonly used idiomatic expressions in English, it can be associated with specific technical jargon. As such, its usage is limited to the scientific community. However, here are related expressions that emphasize the context in which "duoplasmatron" might appear:

  1. "To be in a plasma state" - Scientists must ensure that gases are in a plasma state for the duoplasmatron to function effectively.
    Учёные должны убедиться, что газы находятся в плазменном состоянии, чтобы дуплазматрон работал эффективно.

  2. "Charge up the system" - Before beginning the experiment, they had to charge up the system linked to the duoplasmatron.
    Перед началом эксперимента им нужно было зарядить систему, подключённую к дуплазматрону.

  3. "Ion source development" - The team dedicated months to the ion source development involving duoplasmatron technology.
    Команда посвятила месяцы разработке источника ионов, используя технологии дуплазматрона.


The word "duoplasmatron" derives from the prefix "duo-" meaning two, combined with "plasma," which refers to a state of matter where gases are ionized, and the suffix "-tron," often used in terms for devices that emit or manipulate particles. Hence, it reflects the dual plasma sources used in this type of ion source device.

Synonyms and Antonyms
