dustman - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dustman (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The term "dustman" refers to a person whose job is to collect and remove waste materials, commonly known as a garbage collector or sanitation worker. In British English, the term is particularly used to describe individuals who collect household refuse.

Frequency of Use

The word "dustman" is less frequently used in contemporary spoken English, especially in American English where "garbage collector" or "waste collector" is more common. It is more prevalent in certain British English contexts, especially in regions where traditional terms for trades are still in use.


It's primarily used in a written context (e.g., news articles, local government reports) but can also be heard in everyday conversation, particularly in the UK.

Example Sentences

  1. The dustman came early this morning to collect the bins.
    (Дастмен пришел рано утром, чтобы забрать баки.)

  2. Our dustman always waves at us when he comes by.
    (Наш дасмен всегда машет нам, когда проезжает мимо.)

  3. The community organized a thank-you event for the local dustman.
    (Сообщество организовало мероприятие в знак благодарности для местного дасмена.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "dustman" is not widely featured in many idiomatic expressions, it is sometimes used to convey ideas related to sanitation, community responsibility, or labor:

  1. "Like a dustman on a holiday"
    (Как дастмен в отпуске)
  2. This expression can emphasize the importance of taking breaks or enjoying leisure time, comparing it to how a dustman might enjoy time off from work.

  3. "To sweep away like a dustman"
    (Смести как дастмен)

  4. This can be used to describe someone who quickly removes problems or obstacles, similar to how a dustman clears waste.

  5. "Dustman duties"
    (Обязанности дастмена)

  6. This phrase can denote tasks considered menial or unglamorous, often used humorously in discussions about responsibilities.


The term "dustman" originates from the combination of the word "dust," referring to dirt or waste, and "man," indicating a person employed in that role. It has been in use since at least the late 19th century in Britain, as urban sanitation services began to be formalized.

Synonyms and Antonyms


