elevator shoulder - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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elevator shoulder (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈɛləˌveɪtər ˈʃoʊldər/

Meaning and Usage

"Elevator shoulder" is a term used in orthopedic and sports medicine contexts. It refers to a posture or condition characterized by an elevated shoulder on one side of the body, often due to repetitive use or strain from carrying heavy loads or a particular movement, such as lifting or reaching. The term combines "elevator," suggesting upward movement, and "shoulder," relating to a part of the body.

This term is relatively specific and may not be encountered frequently in everyday conversation or writing. It is more commonly found in specialized medical literature and discussions related to physical therapy, ergonomics, or sports injuries.

Example Sentences: - The physical therapist diagnosed the athlete with elevator shoulder after observing her training routine. - Физиотерапевт диагностировал у спортсменки "elevator shoulder", после того как наблюдал её тренировочный процесс.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "elevator shoulder" does not have prevalent idiomatic expressions in the English language. However, variations on shoulder-related idioms can be touched upon, where the concept of shoulders is integral to the meaning.

  1. Shoulder to shoulder
  2. The community came together, standing shoulder to shoulder during the crisis.
  3. Сообщество объединилось, стоя "плечом к плечу" во время кризиса.

  4. Carry the weight on one's shoulders

  5. As the team leader, she felt like she had to carry the weight of their failures on her shoulders.
  6. Как лидер команды, она чувствовала, что должна нести "всё бремя неудач на своих плечах".

  7. A shoulder to cry on

  8. After the breakup, all she needed was a shoulder to cry on.
  9. После расставания всё, что ей было нужно - это "плечо, на которое можно было бы поплакать".

  10. Put your shoulder to the wheel

  11. If we all put our shoulders to the wheel, we can finish the project on time.
  12. Если мы все "поставим плечо к колесу", мы сможем закончить проект вовремя.

  13. Shoulder the burden

  14. He had to shoulder the burden of his family's financial problems after his father lost his job.
  15. Ему пришлось "взять на себя бремя" финансовых проблем семьи после того, как его отец потерял работу.


The word "elevator" comes from the Latin elevare, meaning "to raise" or "to lift." It entered the English language in the mid-19th century. The word "shoulder" originates from Old English sculdor, which denotes the body part connecting the arm with the trunk.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Raised shoulder - Elevated shoulder

Antonyms: - Dropped shoulder - Low shoulder

This summarization provides you with comprehensive insights into the term "elevator shoulder," exploring its meaning, usage, idiomatic connections, and background in English.
