embedded cooling coils - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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embedded cooling coils (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun Phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/ɪmˈbɛdɪd ˈkuːlɪŋ kɔɪlz/

Meaning and Use

"Embedded cooling coils" refer to coils that are installed within a structure (like walls, floors, or ceilings) to provide cooling. The cooling coils circulate a refrigerant or chilled water to absorb heat from the surrounding environment, facilitating temperature regulation in various settings such as residential, commercial, and industrial applications. This term is commonly used in engineering, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), and architectural discussions.

Frequency of Use: The phrase is used more in written contexts, particularly in technical documents, engineering manuals, and academic settings related to climate control systems, rather than in casual spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. The new building design features embedded cooling coils that enhance energy efficiency.
    Translation: Новый дизайн здания включает встроенные охладительные катушки, которые повышают энергоэффективность.

  2. When retrofitting an older building, the engineers installed embedded cooling coils to ensure a comfortable indoor climate.
    Translation: При переоборудовании старого здания инженеры установили встроенные охладительные катушки, чтобы обеспечить комфортный климат внутри.

  3. Embedded cooling coils are particularly effective in maintaining consistent temperatures in data centers.
    Translation: Встроенные охладительные катушки особенно эффективны для поддержания постоянной температуры в центрах обработки данных.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "embedded cooling coils" itself does not feature prominently in idiomatic expressions, the individual words may be part of some expressions within technical contexts. Here are some relevant phrases:

  1. In the heat of the moment, the engineers decided to add more embedded cooling coils to the new building’s design.
    Translation: В разгар момента инженеры решили добавить больше встроенных охладительных катушек в новый дизайн здания.

  2. Cooling off is essential; therefore, embedded cooling coils should be an integral part of any HVAC system.
    Translation: Охлаждение является обязательным; поэтому встроенные охладительные катушки должны быть неотъемлемой частью любой системы HVAC.

  3. Chill out zones in modern office spaces often incorporate embedded cooling coils for comfort.
    Translation: Зоны «расслабления» в современных офисных помещениях часто включают встроенные охладительные катушки для комфорта.


The term "embedded" comes from the Middle English "embeden," rooted in the Old English "embeddan," meaning to fix in a surrounding mass. "Cooling" derives from the verb "cool," traced back to Old English "cōl," which refers to a lower temperature. "Coils" comes from the Middle English "coil" (meaning to twist), originating from Old French "coiler," which is related to the act of winding or twisting objects.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Integrated cooling systems - Built-in cooling systems - Embedded chillers

Antonyms: - Standalone cooling units - Portable air conditioning - External cooling systems
