/ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi ˈræʃən/
The term "emergency ration" refers to a food supply that is specifically set aside for use in urgent or dangerous situations, such as natural disasters, military action, or other conditions where access to regular food may be severely limited. Emergency rations are designed for portability and long shelf-life, making them suitable for unexpected situations.
The term "emergency ration" is not among the most common phrases used in everyday conversation. It is more frequently encountered in written contexts, particularly in literature related to survival, disaster preparedness, and military logistics.
During the natural disaster, the authorities provided citizens with emergency rations to ensure they had enough food.
Durante el desastre natural, las autoridades proporcionaron a los ciudadanos raciones de emergencia para garantizar que tuvieran suficiente comida.
The survival kit included water packs and emergency rations for the hikers in case they got lost.
El kit de supervivencia incluía paquetes de agua y raciones de emergencia para los excursionistas en caso de que se perdieran.
The military stored ample emergency rations to support troops during extended operations.
El ejército almacenó suficientes raciones de emergencia para apoyar a las tropas durante operaciones extendidas.
While "emergency ration" itself is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, the concept of dealing with scarcity or enduring stressful situations can invoke various phrases. Here are a few relevant expressions that may relate to the context in which emergency rations are discussed:
"Bite the bullet"
In a crisis, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and rely on emergency rations.
(En una crisis, a veces solo tienes que tragar el mal trago y confiar en las raciones de emergencia.)
"When the chips are down"
You find out who your true friends are when the chips are down and you need emergency rations.
(Te das cuenta de quiénes son tus verdaderos amigos cuando las cosas están difíciles y necesitas raciones de emergencia.)
"Keep your head above water"
During the storm, we needed every ounce of willpower just to keep our head above water with the emergency rations we had.
(Durante la tormenta, necesitábamos cada onza de voluntad solo para mantenernos a flote con las raciones de emergencia que teníamos.)
"A stitch in time saves nine"
Preparing emergency rations before the hurricane strikes is a classic case of a stitch in time saves nine.
(Preparar raciones de emergencia antes de que llegue el huracán es un caso clásico de "más vale prevenir que curar".)
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch"
You shouldn't assume you'll find food; it's wise to have emergency rations, so don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
(No debes asumir que encontrarás comida; es prudente tener raciones de emergencia, así que no cuentes los pollitos antes de que nazcan.)
The word "emergency" originates from the Latin "emergentia," which means "to rise up" or "to appear." The use of "ration" comes from the Latin "rationem," meaning "a reckoning, an accounting." Thus, "emergency ration" literally implies a supply of food set aside for urgent needs.