/ɛmˈpɪr.ɪ.kəl.i kənˈfɜr.mə.bəl rɪˈzʌlt/
The phrase "empirically confirmable result" refers to a finding or outcome that can be verified through observation or experience. In scientific and academic contexts, it emphasizes the importance of evidence obtained through empirical methods, such as experiments or research, rather than theoretical or anecdotal claims.
The frequency of use is relatively high in academic, scientific, and research discussions. It is more commonly found in written contexts, such as journal articles, research papers, and textbooks, rather than in everyday oral speech.
The researchers provided an empirically confirmable result that supports their hypothesis.
Исследователи предоставили эмпирически подтвержденный результат, который поддерживает их гипотезу.
We must ensure that our findings are empirically confirmable results to lend credibility to our study.
Мы должны удостовериться, что наши результаты являются эмпирически подтверждаемыми, чтобы придать достоверность нашему исследованию.
The experiment yielded an empirically confirmable result that could change the way we approach the problem.
Эксперимент дал эмпирически подтвержденный результат, который может изменить наш подход к проблеме.
While "empirically confirmable result" itself is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions, variations and related concepts can be incorporated into phrases commonly used in scientific discourse. Here are some examples:
Confirm the results empirically
The study aims to confirm the results empirically through rigorous testing.
Исследование нацелено на эмпирическое подтверждение результатов через строгие испытания.
Empirical evidence supports
The empirical evidence supports the theory proposed by the researchers.
Эмпирические доказательства поддерживают теорию, предложенную исследователями.
Results validated through empirical methods
The results validated through empirical methods have led to significant advancements.
Результаты, подтвержденные эмпирическими методами, привели к значительному прогрессу.
Grounded in empirical research
The recommendations in the report are grounded in empirical research and analysis.
Рекомендации в отчете основаны на эмпирических исследованиях и анализе.
Empirical data indicates
The empirical data indicates a strong correlation between the variables studied.
Эмпирические данные указывают на сильную корреляцию между исследуемыми переменными.
The term "empirical" derives from the Greek word "empeirikos," which means "experienced." The word "confirmable" is from the Latin "confirmare," meaning "to make firm or strengthen." "Result" comes from the Latin "resul(t)are," which means "to leap back." Together, these terms highlight the importance of experience and verification in arriving at a conclusion.
Synonyms: - Verifiable outcome - Observable finding - Testable result
Antonyms: - Theoretical result - Hypothetical finding - Unverified outcome