empty-gutted - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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empty-gutted (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈɛmpti ˈɡʌtɪd/

Meaning and Usage

The term "empty-gutted" generally describes something that is lacking in content, substance, or value. It is often used metaphorically to describe a feeling or state of being devoid of emotional or physical fulfillment. Although not a highly common term in everyday conversation, it may be utilized in both written and spoken English contexts, particularly in informal discussions or literary works.

Example Sentences

  1. The abandoned house stood empty-gutted, with walls that told stories of a vibrant past.
    Старый заброшенный дом стоял пустым и истощенным, со стенами, которые рассказывали истории о ярком прошлом.

  2. After the break-up, she felt empty-gutted, as if all joy had been stripped from her life.
    После расставания она чувствовала себя опустошенной, будто вся радость была вырвана из ее жизни.

Idiomatic Expressions

While “empty-gutted” itself may not be an integral part of many idiomatic expressions, the concept of emptiness is certainly prevalent in various idioms. Below are examples of idiomatic expressions related to the concept of feeling empty or lacking.

  1. Empty nest
    As their children left for college, the couple found themselves in an empty nest, unsure of what to do next.
    Когда их дети уехали в колледж, пара оказалась в пустом гнезде и не знала, что делать дальше.

  2. Empty promises
    He was tired of her empty promises that never turned into real actions.
    Он устал от ее пустых обещаний, которые никогда не становились реальными действиями.

  3. Feeling empty inside
    After the loss, he was simply feeling empty inside, unable to find joy in anything.
    После потери он просто ощущал пустоту внутри, не в силах найти радость ни в чем.

  4. Running on empty
    She felt like she was running on empty, struggling to keep up with her responsibilities.
    Она чувствовала, что действует на пределе сил, едва справляясь с обязанностями.


The word "empty" originates from the Old English "æmtig," meaning "not filled or containing nothing." The term “gutted” comes from the verb "gut," which means to remove the insides or essential elements from something, particularly in a culinary context. The combination signifies a state of being deprived or lacking in essential qualities.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Devoid
- Vacant
- Barren
- Hollow

- Full
- Satisfactory
- Substantial
- Rich
