/ˌɛn.dəʊˈrɛk.təl ˌɪl.i.oʊˈæn.əl əˌnæs.təˈmoʊ.sɪs/
Endorectal ileoanal anastomosis refers to a surgical procedure that connects the ileum (the last part of the small intestine) directly to the anus after the removal of a major part of the colon and rectum. This procedure is often performed in patients who have undergone surgery for colorectal cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.
This term is primarily used in medical contexts, particularly in discussions among healthcare professionals. It has a low frequency of use in everyday language, as it pertains to specialized medical knowledge. The term is more commonly seen in written contexts, such as medical literature and textbooks, than in daily oral conversations.
The surgeon performed an endorectal ileoanal anastomosis to restore intestinal continuity after the resection of the colon. С surgeon для восстановления кишечной непрерывности выполнил эндоректальную илеоанальную анастомоз после резекции толстой кишки.
Patients undergoing an endorectal ileoanal anastomosis may face several postoperative challenges, including bowel control issues. Пациенты, перенесшие эндоректальную илеоанальную анастомоз, могут столкнуться с несколькими послеоперационными проблемами, включая проблемы с контролем над кишечником.
The success rate of an endorectal ileoanal anastomosis largely depends on the underlying condition being treated. Успешность эндоректальной илеоанальной анастомозы в значительной степени зависит от основного заболевания, которое лечится.
The term "endorectal ileoanal anastomosis" is quite specialized and does not have common idiomatic expressions associated with it. However, in medical jargon, expressions can refer to the procedural context. Here are a few constructed based on surgical expressions:
To be "on the cutting edge" of surgical techniques often includes mastering procedures like endorectal ileoanal anastomosis. Быть «на переднем крае» хирургических техник часто включает в себя овладение процедурами, такими как эндоректальная илеоанальная анастомоз.
In surgery, knowing when to perform an endorectal ileoanal anastomosis can be the difference between success and complications. В хирургии знание о том, когда выполнять эндоректальную илеоанальную анастомоз, может быть разницей между успехом и осложнениями.
The term "endorectal ileoanal anastomosis" is derived from several roots: - "Endo-" from the Greek "endon," meaning "within." - "Rectal," pertaining to the rectum, derived from Latin "rectum," meaning "straight." - "Ileo-" comes from Latin "ileum," referring to the last segment of the small intestine. - "Anal," which relates to the anus, from Latin "analis." - "Anastomosis" comes from the Greek "anastomoun," meaning "to provide an outlet." This term is commonly used in surgical contexts to describe the joining of two structures.
Synonyms: - Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) - Ileoanal pouch
Antonyms: - Colostomy (a procedure involving the creation of an opening from the colon to the abdominal surface) - Rectal amputation (the surgical removal of the rectum)
This extensive discussion about "endorectal ileoanal anastomosis" highlights its medical significance, usage, and context within the surgical realm.