enterischiocele - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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enterischiocele (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Use

Enterischiocele refers to a type of hernia where a part of the intestine protrudes through the pelvic floor and reaches the ischial area. This term is primarily used in medical contexts, particularly in discussions related to anatomy and surgical procedures. Its frequency of use is relatively low and primarily found in specialized medical literature rather than in everyday speech.

Usage Context: This term is predominantly found in written contexts such as medical textbooks, journals, and scholarly articles rather than in oral communication.

Example Sentences

  1. The surgeon was concerned about the patient's enterischiocele, which could complicate the procedure.
    (El cirujano estaba preocupado por el enterischiocele del paciente, lo que podría complicar el procedimiento.)

  2. An enterischiocele may require surgical intervention to prevent further complications.
    (Un enterischiocele puede requerir intervención quirúrgica para prevenir complicaciones adicionales.)

  3. The diagnosis of enterischiocele can often be made through imaging studies.
    (El diagnóstico de enterischiocele a menudo se puede realizar a través de estudios de imagen.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "enterischiocele" does not have common idiomatic expressions associated with it due to its specialized nature, the term can be included in medical conditions or conversation related to surgical challenges.

Example Sentences

  1. When it comes to diagnosing abdominal issues, encountering an enterischiocele is not as rare as one might think.
    (Cuando se trata de diagnosticar problemas abdominales, encontrar un enterischiocele no es tan raro como uno podría pensar.)

  2. The medical team had to work swiftly when the enterischiocele was discovered during the examination.
    (El equipo médico tuvo que trabajar rápidamente cuando se descubrió el enterischiocele durante el examen.)

  3. The presence of an enterischiocele can significantly alter the surgical approach needed for treatment.
    (La presencia de un enterischiocele puede alterar significativamente el enfoque quirúrgico necesario para el tratamiento.)


The term "enterischiocele" is derived from three components: - Entero- comes from the Greek word "enteron," meaning "intestine." - Ischio- refers to the ischium, a part of the hip bone. - -cele comes from the Greek "kele," meaning "hernia" or "tumor."

Thus, it literally translates to "hernia of the intestine in the ischial area."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Intestinal hernia - Pelvic hernia

Antonyms: - None specifically, since it is a specialized medical term without direct opposites. However, it could be contrasted with terms for other types of hernias, such as "umbilical hernia" or "inguinal hernia," depending on the context.
