Noun phrase
/ˈɛrə(r) striːm/
The term "error stream" refers to a data stream that carries error messages or diagnostic information generated by a computer program or system. It is primarily used in the context of computing and programming, especially in relation to standards of input/output in programming languages and operating systems, where it serves as a separate channel for error messages as opposed to the standard output stream.
This term is mainly used in written contexts, especially in technical documentation, programming tutorials, and discussions about software development. Its frequency of use may vary, but it is moderately common among programming communities and in technical writing.
The program redirected the error stream to a log file for easier debugging.
Программа перенаправила поток ошибок в файл журнала для более удобной отладки.
You can check the error stream to find out what went wrong during the execution.
Вы можете проверить поток ошибок, чтобы выяснить, что пошло не так во время выполнения.
The error stream showed several critical warnings that need to be addressed.
Поток ошибок показал несколько критических предупреждений, которые необходимо учесть.
While "error stream" itself may not commonly be part of established idiomatic expressions, it relates closely to various programming idioms that highlight debugging and error handling.
It’s essential to read the error stream instead of ignoring it if you want to resolve issues quickly.
Важно читать поток ошибок, а не игнорировать его, если вы хотите быстро решить проблемы.
Developers are trained to filter the error stream for meaningful messages while developing new software.
Разработчиков обучают фильтровать поток ошибок для получения значимых сообщений во время разработки нового программного обеспечения.
Without checking the error stream, you might miss critical hints about system failures.
Не проверяя поток ошибок, вы можете упустить важные подсказки о сбоях системы.
The term "error" originates from the Latin word "error," which means "a wandering, deviation, or mistake." The word "stream" comes from the Old English "stream," meaning a flow of water, which in computing terminology translates metaphorically to data flow.
Synonyms: - Error output - Fault channel - Diagnostic stream
Antonyms: - Output stream - Standard output - Success stream