Noun phrase
/ɪkˈskluːʒən ˈmɛθəd/
The term "exclusion method" refers to a technique or approach that eliminates options or possibilities to arrive at a solution or decision. It is commonly used in various fields such as mathematics, logic, and problem-solving scenarios.
Frequency of Use: The phrase is moderately used in both oral and written contexts, particularly within academic and technical discussions. It is more prevalent in specialized fields like logic and mathematical reasoning rather than everyday conversation.
Translation: Метод исключения помог эффективно решить сложную математическую задачу.
By using the exclusion method, we were able to identify the correct answers in the quiz.
Translation: Используя метод исключения, мы смогли определить правильные ответы на викторине.
The scientist applied the exclusion method to narrow down the possible causes of the phenomenon.
While "exclusion method" itself is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions, the concept of exclusion is often found in various idiomatic phrases. Below are some related examples:
Translation: Мы не можем оставить никого за бортом в процессе принятия решений.
Cut out the middleman.
Translation: Лучше исключить посредников при работе с поставщиками, чтобы сэкономить.
Keep someone at arm's length.
Translation: Ему нравится держать людей на расстоянии, чтобы избежать слишком близких отношений.
Close the door on something.
Translation: Она решила закрыть дверь в свое прошлое, чтобы двигаться вперед в жизни.
Throw out the baby with the bathwater.
The word "exclusion" comes from the Latin "excludere," which means "to shut out." The word "method" derives from the Greek "methodos," meaning "pursuit of knowledge" or "way of proceeding."
Synonyms: - Elimination method - Deduction method - Process of elimination
Antonyms: - Inclusion method - Addition method - Expansion strategy