fallow mind - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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fallow mind (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "fallow mind" functions as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/fæloʊ maɪnd/

Meaning and Usage

The term "fallow mind" refers to a state of mental inactivity or unproductive thought processes. Just as "fallow" describes land that is plowed but left unsown to restore its fertility, a "fallow mind" suggests a temporary period where the mind is not engaged in creative or productive thinking.

Frequency of Use

The phrase is relatively rare in everyday conversation and is more frequently found in literary or philosophical contexts. It may be used in both oral and written forms, but it leans more towards written expression, particularly in discussions of creativity, mental health, or personal reflection.

Example Sentences

  1. After weeks of relentless work, she found herself in a fallow mind, longing for inspiration.
  2. Trasnlation: Después de semanas de trabajo incesante, se encontró en una mente yerta, anhelando inspiración.

  3. The artist took a break to let her fallow mind rest, hoping new ideas would bloom.

  4. Translation: La artista tomó un descanso para dejar reposar su mente inactiva, esperando que nuevas ideas florecieran.

  5. Engaging in meditation helped him clear his fallow mind and discover new avenues for creativity.

  6. Translation: Practicar la meditación le ayudó a despejar su mente inactiva y descubrir nuevas avenidas para la creatividad.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "fallow mind" itself isn't part of common idiomatic expressions, the concept of a "fallow state" or "fallow period" can be related to various idioms concerning time, growth, or mental processes.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Mind the gap - It's important to mind the gap between your current skills and what you want to achieve; otherwise, you might end up with a fallow mind.
  2. Translation: Es importante prestar atención a la brecha entre tus habilidades actuales y lo que quieres lograr; de lo contrario, podrías acabar con una mente inactiva.

  3. A mind is a terrible thing to waste - Letting your mind become a fallow mind is akin to wasting a precious resource.

  4. Translation: Dejar que tu mente se vuelva inactiva es similar a desperdiciar un recurso valioso.

  5. In the back of one's mind - Sometimes, a fallow mind means that your best ideas are just waiting in the back of your mind to emerge at the right moment.

  6. Translation: A veces, una mente inactiva significa que tus mejores ideas están esperando en el fondo de tu mente para emerger en el momento adecuado.


The word "fallow" comes from the Old English fālge, meaning "uncultivated." It originally referred to land left unplanted to restore its fertility. The term "mind" is derived from Old English gemynd, meaning "memory, thought," related to the act of remembering or thinking.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Idle mind - Inactive mind - Unproductive thought

Antonyms: - Active mind - Engaged mind - Creative thought
