A false hypothesis refers to a supposition or proposed explanation that is incorrect or not supported by evidence. In research and scientific contexts, a hypothesis is typically formulated based on observations, but a false hypothesis fails to hold up against testing or empirical data. This term is used primarily in written contexts, especially in academic and scientific literature, and its frequency of use can vary based on the discipline (e.g., science, social science, psychology).
Исследователи отклонили ложную гипотезу после проведения тщательных экспериментов, которые противоречили их первоначальной теории.
In the field of psychology, many students learn the importance of distinguishing a false hypothesis from a valid one.
В области психологии многие студенты учатся различать ложную гипотезу и действительную.
The team’s findings were significant as they highlighted the dangers of relying on a false hypothesis in scientific research.
While "false hypothesis" itself doesn’t commonly appear in idiomatic expressions, the concept of a hypothesis and the idea of falsity can be involved in various scientific and philosophical discussions.
Прежде чем предложить новую теорию, ученые часто «щупают почву», чтобы выяснить, имеет ли их гипотеза смысл, чтобы избежать ложной гипотезы.
Fall flat: Many theories in science can fall flat when confronted with new evidence, revealing a false hypothesis.
Многие теории в науке могут провалиться, столкнувшись с новыми данными, выявляя ложную гипотезу.
Bite the bullet: When faced with contradicting results, researchers have to bite the bullet and acknowledge a false hypothesis.
Столкнувшись с противоречащими результатами, исследователи должны «укушать пулю» и признать ложную гипотезу.
Caught red-handed: The team was caught red-handed with a false hypothesis that lacked solid evidence.
The term hypothesis comes from the Greek word "hypotithenai," which means "to put under" or "to suppose." The word "false" stems from the Old English "fāls," meaning "not true, erroneous." Thus, a false hypothesis literally denotes a supposition that is not true or erroneous.
This comprehensive approach details the nuances of the term "false hypothesis," its usage in contexts, example sentences, related idiomatic expressions, and its linguistic roots.