fault investigation - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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fault investigation (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage

"Fault investigation" refers to the process of examining and identifying the root cause of faults or failures—particularly in engineering, technology, or systems analysis contexts. This term is commonly used in technical fields, such as software development, mechanical engineering, and in various industries where equipment or processes can malfunction.

It is frequently used in written contexts, especially in reports, academic papers, and manuals, though it can also appear in oral discussions among professionals. In terms of frequency, it pertains to niche industries, so while it may not be as common as everyday vocabulary, it is still significant within its domains.

Example Sentences

  1. The team conducted a thorough fault investigation to identify the issues causing the equipment to fail.
  2. Команда провела тщательное расследование неисправностей, чтобы выявить проблемы, вызывающие сбой оборудования.

  3. After the fault investigation, the engineers proposed several modifications to optimize the system's performance.

  4. После расследования неисправностей инженеры предложили несколько модификаций для оптимизации работы системы.

  5. The results of the fault investigation were critical for implementing future safety measures.

  6. Результаты расследования неисправностей были критически важны для внедрения будущих мер безопасности.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "fault investigation" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, the related word "fault" can be part of several expressions. Here are a few examples:

  1. To find fault with someone
  2. It's easy to find fault with someone, but it's more productive to offer constructive feedback.
  3. Легко найти недостатки в ком-то, но более продуктивно дать конструктивную обратную связь.

  4. Take the blame for someone else's fault

  5. She refused to take the blame for someone else's fault, insisting on the truth.
  6. Она отказалась брать вину за чужую ошибку, настаивая на правде.

  7. At fault

  8. If the accident was my fault, I would accept the consequences without hesitation.
  9. Если авария была моей виной, я бы принял последствия без колебаний.

  10. Faulty logic

  11. His argument was based on faulty logic that could easily be disproven.
  12. Его аргумент основывался на ошибочной логике, которую легко было опровергнуть.

  13. To be at fault

  14. She acknowledged that she was at fault for the miscommunication during the project.
  15. Она признала, что она была виновата за недоразумение в ходе проекта.


The term "fault" comes from the Old French word "faulte," which means "defect, deficiency," and is derived from the Latin "fallere," meaning "to deceive" or "to fail." The word "investigation" comes from the Latin "investigatio," meaning "a tracking down" or "examination." Combined, "fault investigation" implies a systematic examination aimed at identifying failures or defects.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This exploration of "fault investigation" showcases its relevance in technical terminology and the importance of understanding its application in both verbal and written forms.
