feasible story - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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feasible story (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage

Feasible means possible and practical to do easily or conveniently. It refers to the capability or suitability of a plan or method to be executed successfully.

Story refers to a narrative, either true or fictive, used to inform, entertain, or convey information.

In combination, feasible story refers to a narrative or account that is practical, plausible, and can realistically happen. This term is often used in creative contexts, such as writing, where the feasibility of plot points and character actions is considered important.

Frequency of Use: The term "feasible story" is not commonly used in everyday language but may appear in specific contexts, especially in creative writing, storytelling, and project planning discussions.

Context: It’s likely to be found more in written form than in oral speech, primarily in academic or professional settings.

Example Sentences

  1. The team developed a feasible story for their project proposal that the investors found appealing.
    Команда разработала жизнеспособный сюжет для своего проектного предложения, которое заинтересовало инвесторов.

  2. While brainstorming, we need to ensure that each idea has a feasible story behind it to attract our audience.
    Во время мозгового штурма нам нужно убедиться, что каждая идея имеет жизнеспособную историю, чтобы привлечь нашу аудиторию.

  3. In her creative writing class, she learned how to craft a feasible story that would keep readers engaged.
    На занятиях по творческому письму она узнала, как создать жизнеспособный сюжет, который будет удерживать читателей в напряжении.

Idiomatic Expressions

While “feasible story” itself might not have many idiomatic expressions, the word "feasible" is used in expressions related to practicality and capability. Here are some idiomatic expressions that can be related to "feasible":

  1. Make it feasible:
  2. We need to make it feasible for everyone to participate in the community event.
    Нам нужно сделать это выполнимым для всех, чтобы принять участие в общественном мероприятии.

  3. Feasible solution:

  4. They were looking for a feasible solution to the ongoing budget issues in the department.
    Они искали осуществимое решение для текущих бюджетных проблем в отделе.

  5. Feasible plan:

  6. The committee approved the feasible plan to renovate the old library.
    Комитет одобрил осуществимый план по ремонту старой библиотеки.

  7. Too good to be feasible:

  8. His ideas seemed too good to be feasible, considering the limitations we have.
    Его идеи казались слишком хорошими, чтобы быть осуществимыми, учитывая наши ограничения.


Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms of Feasible: - Possible - Practicable - Viable - Achievable

Antonyms of Feasible: - Impractical - Impossible - Unworkable - Infeasible

Overall, the combination "feasible story" is most relevant in contexts where practicality and narrative are intertwined, especially in creative writing and project management.
