femoral ring - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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femoral ring (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/fɛmərəl rɪŋ/

Meaning and Usage

The term femoral ring refers to an anatomical structure located in the region of the groin, specifically as part of the femoral canal within the femoral sheath. It is an important concept in medical and anatomical contexts, primarily in discussions of hernias. The frequency of use is typically more common in written medical literature than in oral speech, as it is a specialized term known primarily to healthcare professionals or students in healthcare-related fields.

Example Sentences

  1. The surgeon identified the femoral ring as the site of the hernia.
    Хирург определил феморальное кольцо как место грыжи.

  2. A narrowing in the femoral ring can lead to complications in the patient.
    Сужение в феморальном кольце может привести к осложнениям у пациента.

  3. When examining the anatomy of the lower limb, understanding the femoral ring is crucial.
    При изучении анатомии нижней конечности понимание феморального кольца имеет решающее значение.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term “femoral ring” does not feature prominently in idiomatic expressions due to its specialized nature. However, here are some related expressions in the medical field that incorporate terminology about the femoral area:

  1. "Between a rock and a hard place" – doctors must sometimes choose between operating on a hernia through the femoral ring or risking further complications.
    Докторам иногда приходится выбирать между операцией на грыже через феморальное кольцо или риском дальнейших осложнений.

  2. "Breaking new ground" – the research team’s study on the femoral ring may lead to breakthroughs in hernia treatment.
    Исследовательская группа, изучающая феморальное кольцо, может привести к прорывам в лечении грыжи.

  3. "Back to the drawing board" – after reviewing complications associated with the femoral ring, the medical team decided to revise their approach.
    После обсуждения осложнений, связанных с феморальным кольцом, медицинская команда решила пересмотреть свой подход.


The term "femoral" derives from the Latin word femoralis, meaning "of the thigh," which in turn comes from femur, meaning "thigh." "Ring" comes from the Old English hring, meaning "a circular object." The combination highlights both the location and the shape of the anatomical structure.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, the femoral ring is a crucial concept in the medical field, particularly concerning anatomy and the study of hernias. While it does not lend itself to idioms commonly used in everyday speech, its significance is undeniable in the context of anatomical discussions and surgical interventions.
