fire channel - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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fire channel (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈfaɪər ˈtʃænl/

Meaning and Usage

The term "fire channel" primarily refers to a specific pathway or route intended to direct or control the spread of fire, typically used in contexts like firefighting, forestry, or landscape management. The frequency of use may vary, though it is generally more common in technical or specialized fields rather than in everyday conversation. It is more prevalent in written contexts, especially in reports, manuals, or discussions related to fire management and safety.

Example Sentences

  1. The firefighters created a fire channel to prevent the flames from spreading to the nearby forest.
    Translation: Feuerwehrleute schufen einen Brandkanal, um zu verhindern, dass die Flammen in den nahegelegenen Wald übergreifen.

  2. The use of fire channels is essential in controlling wildfires in remote areas.
    Translation: Der Einsatz von Brandkanälen ist entscheidend, um Waldbrände in abgelegenen Gebieten zu kontrollieren.

  3. Engineers designed a fire channel to safely redirect any potential flames during the construction project.
    Translation: Ingenieure entwarfen einen Brandkanal, um potenzielle Flammen während des Bauprojekts sicher umzuleiten.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "fire channel" may not be commonly used in idiomatic expressions, the word "fire" is prevalent in various idiomatic contexts. Below are some expressions that incorporate the term "fire":

  1. "Playing with fire" - Engaging in risky behavior.
    If you keep working without breaks, you're playing with fire.
    Translation: Wenn du ohne Pausen arbeitest, spielst du mit dem Feuer.

  2. "Caught fire" - To become popular or successful suddenly.
    The new app caught fire and gained millions of users in no time.
    Translation: Die neue App hat gezündet und in kurzer Zeit Millionen von Nutzern gewonnen.

  3. "Fire in the belly" - A strong desire or motivation to succeed.
    She has a fire in her belly to lead the project to success.
    Translation: Sie hat einen Feuer im Bauch, um das Projekt zum Erfolg zu führen.

  4. "Fight fire with fire" - To use the same methods as someone else to combat their actions.
    In negotiations, you sometimes have to fight fire with fire to make your point clear.
    Translation: In Verhandlungen muss man manchmal Feuer mit Feuer bekämpfen, um seinen Standpunkt klarzumachen.


The word "fire" originates from the Old English "fyr," which is related to German "Feuer" and Latin "focus." The term "channel" comes from Middle English, derived from Old French "chanal," which is further traced back to Latin "canalis," meaning "a pipe or groove."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insight into the term "fire channel," its usage, contextual dynamics, and related expressions.
