Noun Phrase
/fjuːtʃər ˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃənz/
The term "future generations" refers to the people who will be born and live after the present generation. It implies consideration for the needs and well-being of those who will come after us, often in contexts related to sustainability, environmental conservation, and social responsibility.
This phrase is commonly used in both oral and written contexts; discussions about policies, environmental laws, and ethical responsibilities frequently reference future generations. The frequency of use can be considered moderate to high, particularly in sociopolitical discourse.
We must take action today to protect the planet for future generations.
Translation: Мы должны принять меры сегодня, чтобы защитить планету для будущих поколений.
The decisions we make now will impact future generations in ways we cannot even imagine.
Translation: Решения, которые мы принимаем сейчас, окажут влияние на будущие поколения так, как мы даже не можем себе представить.
Educating our youth is essential for the sustainability of future generations.
Translation: Образование молодежи имеет решающее значение для устойчивого развития будущих поколений.
The phrase "future generations" isn't traditionally part of specific idiomatic expressions; however, it is often invoked in discussions involving the sustainability and legacy of actions taken today. Here are some example sentences incorporating related ideas:
We owe it to future generations to leave behind a cleaner planet.
Translation: Мы обязаны будущим поколениям оставить чистую планету.
If we don’t change our ways, future generations will pay the price.
Translation: Если мы не изменим свои привычки, будущие поколения заплатят цену.
The legacy we create today will shape the opportunities for future generations.
Translation: Наследие, которое мы создаем сегодня, будет формировать возможности для будущих поколений.
The word "future" comes from the Latin root "futurus," which means "about to be." The noun "generation" stems from the Latin "generatio," which means "a producing, generation, or kind." Together, the term emphasizes the notion of forthcoming individuals or groups that will emerge as a sequel to the current population.