garden plant - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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garden plant (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Garden plant" is a noun phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈɡɑːrdən plænt/

Meaning and Usage

A "garden plant" refers to any plant that is cultivated in a garden, typically for ornamental purposes, food production, or other uses. Garden plants can include flowers, shrubs, vegetables, and fruit-bearing plants. The term is commonly used in both spoken and written English, with its frequency of use likely being influenced by gardening trends, seasons, and events.

Example Sentences

  1. The gardener chose a variety of garden plants for the new landscape design.
    Садовник выбрал разнообразные садовые растения для нового ландшафтного дизайна.

  2. She has always loved nurturing garden plants, especially roses and tulips.
    Она всегда любила заботиться о садовых растениях, особенно о розах и тюльпанах.

  3. In the spring, many garden plants begin to bloom, bringing color to the yard.
    Весной многие садовые растения начинают цвести, принося цвет в двор.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "garden plant" itself may not be a commonly used phrase in idiomatic expressions, the word "garden" appears in various idioms. Here are some idiomatic expressions involving "garden" along with example sentences:

  1. "The grass is always greener on the other side"
    He thought he would be happier working in the city, but now he realizes the grass is always greener on the other side.
    Он думал, что будет счастливее, работая в городе, но теперь осознает, что на другой стороне трава всегда зеленее.

  2. "To tend one’s garden"
    After his travels, he decided it was time to tend his garden more diligently.
    После своих путешествий он решил уделить больше внимания уходу за своим садом.

  3. "To make the world your garden"
    She believes everyone should make the world their garden and spread kindness wherever they go.
    Она считает, что каждый должен сделать мир своим садом и распространять доброту, куда бы они ни шли.

  4. "To prune the roses"
    You have to prune the roses every spring to encourage new growth.
    Вам нужно обрезать розы каждую весну, чтобы стимулировать новый рост.

  5. "To plant the seeds for future success"
    He started his internship to plant the seeds for future success in his career.
    Он начал стажировку, чтобы посеять семена будущего успеха в своей карьере.

  6. "Garden variety"
    The problems we face are just garden variety issues that can be solved with time.
    Проблемы, с которыми мы сталкиваемся, - это всего лишь обычные вопросы, которые можно решить со временем.


The word "garden" originates from the Old English "geard," meaning a yard or enclosure. The term "plant" comes from the Latin "planta," meaning a sprout or cutting. Over time, "garden plant" has evolved to represent the cultivation of plants for decorative or practical use.

Synonyms and Antonyms


