Noun Phrase
/gæs ˈbɛərɪŋ həˈraɪzən/
The term "gas-bearing horizon" refers to a geological strata (layer of rock) that contains natural gas. This layer has the necessary properties to store and potentially yield gas upon extraction.
In the context of geology and petroleum engineering, it is used to identify specific layers within the earth that are likely to be productive in terms of hydrocarbon extraction.
The term is primarily used in written contexts, especially within scientific literature, geological surveys, and reports related to petroleum extraction. Its frequency is higher in professional and academic discussions rather than casual or colloquial speech.
Экспедиционная команда сосредоточена на идентификации газоносного горизонта в северном регионе.
Drilling successfully reached the gas-bearing horizon after extensive preliminary studies.
Бурение успешно достигло газоносного горизонта после обширных предварительных исследований.
The gas-bearing horizon was confirmed to be rich in resources, leading to an increase in investments.
The phrase "gas-bearing horizon" is not part of common idiomatic expressions in English. However, various idioms in the field of geology and resource extraction often include terms related to gas or petroleum. Here are a few examples:
Наличие эффективной маркетинговой стратегии похоже на наличие топлива для успешного бизнеса.
"Pushing up daisies"
После того как скважина иссякла, когда-то многообещающее газовое месторождение теперь просто зеленеет.
"Sitting on a gold mine"
The word "gas" derives from the Greek word "khaos" which refers to a state of disorder or material lacking solid substance. Its usage in the context of geology refers to substances in gaseous form found in natural state. The term "bearing" comes from the Old English "beran," meaning to carry or support. The word “horizon” comes from the Greek "horizein," meaning to limit or bound, typically relating to the boundary of the earth seen from a particular point.
Synonyms: - Gas reservoir - Gas deposit
Antonyms: - Gas-free zone - Non-gas-bearing layer