generating process - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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generating process (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun Phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈdʒɛnəreɪtɪŋ ˈprɑsɛs/

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "generating process" refers to a systematic series of actions or steps taken to create or produce something. This can pertain to various fields, such as engineering, data processing, or biological systems. The term is moderately common and is often utilized in both written and spoken contexts, particularly in technical or academic discussions.

Examples: 1. The generating process of electricity from renewable sources is crucial for sustainable development.
El proceso de generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables es crucial para el desarrollo sostenible.

  1. Understanding the generating process of the data model is essential for accurate analysis.
    Comprender el proceso de generación del modelo de datos es esencial para un análisis preciso.

  2. The generating process in this chemical reaction produces significant heat.
    El proceso de generación en esta reacción química produce un calor significativo.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "generating process" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can be a part of phrases used within specific contexts. Here are a few idiomatic expressions that feature the words "generate" or "process":

  1. Generate interest
    The marketing campaign was designed to generate interest in the new product.
    La campaña de marketing fue diseñada para generar interés en el nuevo producto.

  2. Generate revenue
    Many small businesses aim to generate revenue through online sales.
    Muchas pequeñas empresas buscan generar ingresos a través de ventas en línea.

  3. Process of elimination
    Via the process of elimination, we found the correct answer to the puzzle.
    A través del proceso de eliminación, encontramos la respuesta correcta al rompecabezas.


The word "generate" comes from the Latin "generare," which means "to produce" or "to bring forth." The term "process" comes from the Latin "processus," meaning "a going forward" or "advance." Thus, "generating process" combines the idea of creating something with a methodical progression towards that end.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Production method - Creation process - Formulation method

Antonyms: - Destruction process - Termination method - Reversion process
