germinant - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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germinant (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage

The term "germinant" refers to something that is related to or has the ability to germinate, such as seeds or spores in biology. It is not a commonly used word in everyday conversation, making its frequency of use relatively low. It tends to appear more in scientific or academic written contexts, particularly in discussions about botany or biology.

Example Sentences

  1. The germinant seeds began to sprout as soon as they were exposed to water and sunlight.
    Translation: С germinant семена начали прорастать, как только попали под воду и солнечный свет.

  2. Researchers studied the germinant phase of various plants to understand their growth patterns.
    Translation: Исследователи изучали germinant стадию различных растений, чтобы понять их схемы роста.

  3. Proper conditions are essential for the germinant process to be successful.
    Translation: Правильные условия необходимы для успешного germinant процесса.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "germinant" does not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions due to its specific affixation and scientific connotation, it symbolizes growth and development in a broader context. Terms related to germinant can appear in expressions or phrases about potential and beginnings. Here are some related phrases and their applications:

  1. "To sow the seeds of change" refers to initiating a process that will lead to development or transformation.
    Translation: "Засеять семена перемен" означает начать процесс, который приведёт к развитию или трансформации.

  2. "A germ of an idea" signifies the initial beginning of a concept or thought that can grow into something bigger.
    Translation: "Зачаток идеи" означает начальное начало концепции или мысли, которая может перерасти во что-то большее.

  3. "To cultivate potential" highlights the nurturing of inherent abilities or talents to encourage growth.
    Translation: "Культивировать потенциал" подчеркивает питание скрытых способностей или талантов для содействия росту.

  4. "The roots of a good habit" suggests that forming a solid foundation is essential for positive growth or behavior.
    Translation: "Корни хорошей привычки" предполагают, что формирование прочной основы жизненно важно для положительного роста или поведения.


The word "germinant" derives from the Latin word "germinare," meaning "to sprout" or "to bud," which is related to concepts of growth and development in botanical contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The term "germinant" is more specialized, and thus its synonyms may depend on the specific context in which it is used.
