give a lead - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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give a lead (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phrase - "give a lead" is commonly used as a verb phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/gɪv ə lid/

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "give a lead" typically means to provide guidance, direction, or an example for others to follow. It can also refer to initiating an action or being the first to take a step in a situation. This phrase is often used in both oral and written contexts, frequently in business, leadership, or team settings.

In terms of frequency, "give a lead" tends to be somewhat formal and is used more in written communication, such as reports, articles, and discussions about leadership or team dynamics.

Example Sentences: 1. The manager decided to give a lead on the new project to inspire his team. - (El gerente decidió dar un ejemplo en el nuevo proyecto para inspirar a su equipo.)

  1. By volunteering for the community service, she aims to give a lead in social responsibility.
  2. (Al ofrecerse como voluntaria para el servicio comunitario, ella busca dar un ejemplo en responsabilidad social.)

  3. It’s essential for leaders to give a lead when times are tough.

  4. (Es esencial que los líderes den un ejemplo cuando los tiempos son difíciles.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "give a lead" is not as commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it shares components with several idiomatic phrases related to leadership and guidance. Here are some relevant idioms:

  1. Take the lead - To assume control or responsibility in a situation.
  2. "When the meeting turned chaotic, she decided to take the lead." (Cuando la reunión se volvió caótica, ella decidió tomar el control.)

  3. Lead by example - To show people how to act by behaving in the way you want them to behave.

  4. "It's important to lead by example if you want your team to follow." (Es importante dar un buen ejemplo si quieres que tu equipo te siga.)

  5. Follow the leader - To do what someone else is doing, especially in a group context.

  6. "In this team, it's common to follow the leader's decisions." (En este equipo, es común seguir las decisiones del líder.)

  7. Lead someone astray - To guide someone in the wrong direction.

  8. "His bad influence led her astray from her studies." (Su mala influencia la llevó por el mal camino en sus estudios.)

  9. Lead someone on - To mislead someone regarding intentions or feelings.

  10. "She felt hurt when she realized he was leading her on." (Se sintió herida cuando se dio cuenta de que él la estaba engañando.)

  11. Lead the pack - To be the best among a group.

  12. "Our company has always led the pack in technology innovations." (Nuestra empresa siempre ha liderado el grupo en innovaciones tecnológicas.)


The phrase "give a lead" derives from the combination of the verb "give," meaning to provide or supply something, and "lead," which is from Old English "lǣdan," meaning to guide or show the way. The phrase reflects the action of providing guidance or direction.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Guide - Influence - Direct - Show the way

Antonyms: - Follow - Obstruct - Mislead

In summary, "give a lead" is a versatile phrase mostly used in contexts of guidance and leadership, importantly related to the concept of setting a precedent for others to follow.
