grand canonical distribution - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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grand canonical distribution (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The term "grand canonical distribution" is a noun phrase, often used in the context of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics in physics.

Phonetic Transcription

/gɹænd kəˈnɪkəl dɪsˈtrɪbjuːʃən/

Meaning and Usage

The "grand canonical distribution" refers to a statistical distribution that describes the probability of a system being in a certain state when the system can exchange energy and particles with a reservoir. This distribution is particularly significant in the study of systems in thermodynamic equilibrium, where the number of particles can fluctuate.

Frequency of Use

This term is more commonly used in written contexts, particularly in academic papers, textbooks, and specialized articles in physics, rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. The grand canonical distribution allows physicists to analyze systems where particle numbers vary significantly.
    La distribución canónica grande permite a los físicos analizar sistemas donde el número de partículas varía significativamente.

  2. In systems at high temperatures, the grand canonical distribution simplifies calculations by incorporating the effects of particle exchange.
    En sistemas a altas temperaturas, la distribución canónica grande simplifica los cálculos al incorporar los efectos del intercambio de partículas.

  3. Researchers often apply the grand canonical distribution to simulations of gas molecules in thermal equilibrium.
    Los investigadores a menudo aplican la distribución canónica grande a las simulaciones de moléculas de gas en equilibrio térmico.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "grand canonical distribution" does not commonly appear in idiomatic expressions due to its specialized nature, it is crucial in the context of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. However, we can explore idiomatic expressions derived from terms more generally related to distribution and systems in physics.

Example Sentences

  1. To have everything in order, we must ensure the distribution is even among all units.
    Para tener todo en orden, debemos asegurar que la distribución sea equitativa entre todas las unidades.

  2. The energy levels were distributed through the system, leading to a more balanced state.
    Los niveles de energía estaban distribuidos a través del sistema, lo que conducía a un estado más equilibrado.

  3. Seeking a fair distribution of resources is key for sustainable development.
    Buscar una distribución justa de recursos es clave para el desarrollo sostenible.


The term "grand canonical" combines "grand," which indicates the scale or magnitude of the system viewed, and "canonical," derived from the Latin "canon," meaning a rule or standard, indicating a certain set of states or configurations in statistical mechanics. The term "distribution" comes from the Latin "distributio," referring to the action of distributing or the state of being distributed.

Synonyms and Antonyms



The "grand canonical distribution" plays a crucial role in understanding physical systems, particularly in research contexts within statistical mechanics.
