Noun Phrase
/ɡraʊnd ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənz/
"Ground operations" refers to the activities conducted on the ground that are essential for the functioning or support of a particular system, often used in contexts such as aviation, military, or space missions. This term is often used in technical or specialized language, particularly in military, aviation, and logistical contexts. The phrase is more common in written English, particularly in reports, manuals, and formal documents, but it can also appear in spoken contexts among professionals.
The ground operations for the upcoming mission will include setting up communication arrays.
Заземні операції для майбутньої місії включатимуть установку комунікаційних масивів.
Proper planning of ground operations is crucial for the success of the expedition.
Правильне планування наземних операцій є вирішальним для успіху експедиції.
The team is reviewing the protocols for ground operations in extreme weather conditions.
Команда переглядає протоколи наземних операцій у екстремальних погодних умовах.
While "ground operations" itself may not be part of widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it is essential in various phrases connected to military or aviation tasks. Below are some idiomatic usages related to "ground":
Hit the ground running
As soon as the team landed, they hit the ground running with their project.
Як тільки команда приземлилася, вони одразу взялися за свій проект.
Get off the ground
The new initiative took several months to get off the ground due to funding issues.
Новій ініціативі знадобилося кілька місяців, щоб зрушити з місця через проблеми з фінансуванням.
Know the lay of the land
Before beginning the ground operations, it’s essential to know the lay of the land.
Перед початком наземних операцій важливо знати обстановку на місцевості.
Break new ground
The researchers are breaking new ground in the field of unmanned ground operations.
Дослідники прокладають нові шляхи у сфері безпілотних наземних операцій.
The word "ground" comes from the Old English "grunde," which refers to the bottom of a body of water, surface, or soil. The term "operations," derived from Latin "operatio," which relates to action or function. Combined, they form a phrase that describes actions conducted on the Earth's surface, often in the context of military or logistical activities.
- Field operations
- Ground activities
- Earth operations
- Aerial operations
- Airborne actions
- Space missions