"Grow laser material" is a noun phrase.
/ɡroʊ ˈleɪzər məˈtɪriəl/
"Grow laser material" refers to the process of cultivating or fabricating materials that can be utilized in the creation of lasers. This often involves techniques from fields such as materials science and physics, where specific compounds or crystals are grown to exhibit laser properties.
Researchers need to grow laser material that can withstand high temperatures.
Исследователям нужно вырастить лазерный материал, который может выдерживать высокие температуры.
The lab specializes in techniques to grow laser material for different applications.
Лаборатория специализируется на методах выращивания лазерного материала для различных применений.
Scientists have found new ways to grow laser material more efficiently.
Ученые нашли новые способы более эффективного выращивания лазерного материала.
The phrase "grow" is commonly used in various idiomatic expressions. However, "grow laser material" as a whole phrase does not have idiomatic usage. Below are some idiomatic expressions that include "grow":
Grow apart
Friends may grow apart as they enter different life stages.
Друзья могут отдаляться друг от друга, когда они вступают в разные этапы жизни.
Grow into
She hopes to grow into a leadership role at her company.
Она надеется вырасти в руководящую роль в своей компании.
Grow on someone
The idea of moving to a new city is starting to grow on me.
Идея переезда в новый город начинает мне нравиться.
Grow out of
He grew out of his childhood fears as he matured.
Он перерос свои детские страхи, когда повзрослел.
Grow up
It's time to grow up and take responsibility for your actions.
Время повзрослеть и взять на себя ответственность за свои поступки.
The word "grow" originates from the Old English "grōwan,” meaning "to grow or increase", while "laser" is an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation," first used in the 1960s. "Material" comes from the Latin “materialis”, meaning "pertaining to matter or substance."