Hypoventilation refers to a state of inadequate ventilation in the lungs, resulting in a decreased rate of gas exchange. It often leads to an increase in carbon dioxide levels and a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood, which can affect bodily functions.
Hypoventilation is commonly used in medical contexts, particularly in respiratory health discussions. Its usage is more prevalent in written contexts, such as textbooks, research papers, and medical consultations, rather than in everyday conversation.
El paciente mostró signos de hipoventilación durante el examen.
Hypoventilation can result in respiratory failure if not addressed promptly.
La hipoventilación puede resultar en insuficiencia respiratoria si no se trata a tiempo.
The anesthesiologist monitored the patient's hypoventilation closely during surgery.
Hypoventilation itself isn't commonly found in idiomatic expressions, but understanding its context is important in the medical field. However, we can discuss related phrases that pertain to respiratory functions or conditions in which hypoventilation might be mentioned.
Después de subir la colina, casi me quedé sin aliento, lo que indicaba que podría estar experimentando hipoventilación leve.
Breathe easy
Cuando el paciente comenzó a respirar con facilidad nuevamente, supimos que el problema de hipoventilación se había resuelto.
Take a breather
The term "hypoventilation" is derived from the prefix "hypo-" meaning "under" or "below," and "ventilation," which comes from the Latin "ventilare," meaning "to fan" or "to aerate." Thus, it translates to an "inadequate or below-normal ventilation."