lack of success - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lack of success (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

/læk əv səkˈsɛs/

Meaning and Usage

"Lack of success" refers to a situation where an individual or group does not achieve the desired results or objectives. It is often used in contexts discussing personal goals, business outcomes, or any scenario where expectations are not met. This phrase is relatively common in both spoken and written English, especially in discussions involving performance, achievement, or evaluation.

Example Sentences

  1. The team faced a lack of success despite their hard work.
  2. Команда столкнулась с отсутствием успеха, несмотря на свои тяжелые усилия.

  3. His lack of success in the competition motivated him to train harder.

  4. Его отсутствие успеха на соревнованиях побудило его тренироваться усерднее.

  5. They addressed the lack of success in the project's initial phase during the meeting.

  6. Во время встречи они обсудили отсутствие успеха на начальной стадии проекта.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "lack of success" itself is not predominantly featured in idiomatic expressions, there are several related phrases that convey a similar sentiment:

  1. Fall flat - To be unsuccessful or fail to have the intended effect.
  2. His new comedy sketch fell flat with the audience.
  3. Его новый комедийный номер не произвел впечатления на зрителей.

  4. Come up short - To fail to meet a standard or requirement.

  5. After all the effort, they came up short in their attempt to win the championship.
  6. После всех усилий они не смогли добиться победы в чемпионате.

  7. Miss the mark - To be unsuccessful in achieving a goal or expectation.

  8. The marketing strategy missed the mark, leading to poor sales.
  9. Маркетинговая стратегия не оправдала ожиданий, что привело к слабым продажам.

  10. Bite the dust - To fail or be defeated, particularly in a dramatic way.

  11. Unfortunately, the startup bit the dust after just one year.
  12. К сожалению, стартап потерпел поражение всего через год.

  13. Not make the grade - To fail to meet the required standard.

  14. Many of the applicants did not make the grade for the scholarship.
  15. Многие из соискателей не соответствовали требованиям для получения стипендии.


The word "lack" originates from the Old English word "lac," meaning "gift" or "offering," which came from the Germanic root. "Success" comes from the Latin word "successus," meaning "an outcome, result," derived from "succedere," which means "to come after." The combination of these terms reflects the absence of a positive outcome.


