land-oriented recreation - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

land-oriented recreation (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage

"Land-oriented recreation" refers to leisure activities that primarily take place on land, as opposed to those conducted in water or in the air. This term encompasses a wide range of activities such as hiking, camping, biking, birdwatching, and nature walks.

Example Sentences

  1. Land-oriented recreation is vital for promoting physical health and mental well-being among individuals.
    La recreación orientada a la tierra es vital para promover la salud física y el bienestar mental entre los individuos.

  2. Many parks offer facilities for various land-oriented recreation activities, such as trails for hiking and areas for picnicking.
    Muchos parques ofrecen instalaciones para diversas actividades de recreación orientada a la tierra, como senderos para senderismo y áreas para hacer picnic.

  3. Community programs are essential for encouraging land-oriented recreation among families and children.
    Los programas comunitarios son esenciales para fomentar la recreación orientada a la tierra entre familias y niños.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "land-oriented recreation" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions, it can be discussed within the context of related activities. Here are some expressions that relate to outdoor or land activities:

  1. "Hit the trails"
    This phrase means to go hiking or walking on nature trails.
    Vamos a "pisar los senderos" este fin de semana para disfrutar de la naturaleza.
    (Let’s hit the trails this weekend to enjoy nature.)

  2. "Off the beaten path"
    Refers to activities that take place in less-traveled or less-popular areas, often associated with hiking or camping.
    Ella prefiere ir "fuera de los caminos trillados" para disfrutar de una experiencia más auténtica.
    (She prefers to go off the beaten path for a more authentic experience.)

  3. "Take a hike"
    This is often used to mean that someone should leave or go away but can also depict the act of going hiking.
    ¡Cuando se vuelve difícil, simplemente dile que "tome una caminata" y se aleje!
    (When it gets tough, just tell him to take a hike and get away!)


The term "land-oriented" combines "land," from Old English land, referring to the solid surface of the Earth, and "oriented," derived from Latin orientare, meaning to align or position. "Recreation" comes from the Latin recreatio, meaning renewal or restoration of strength and health.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The term "land-oriented recreation" represents a vital aspect of human interaction with the environment, promoting both health and community engagement through a variety of land-based activities.
