/lɛsər ˈɡlaɪdɪŋ ˈpɒsəm/
The term "lesser gliding possum" refers to a small marsupial species known scientifically as Petaurus breviceps. This animal is characterized by its ability to glide through the air, which it accomplishes using a special membrane stretching from its wrists to its ankles. The lesser gliding possum is native to the forests of Australia and New Guinea.
In the English language, the term is not frequently used in everyday conversation, as it pertains specifically to biology and zoology. Its use is more common in academic, ecological, or conservation contexts rather than in oral speech.
The lesser gliding possum is known for its unique gliding ability, which allows it to traverse large distances between trees.
Лесной летучий поссум известен своей уникальной способностью планировать, которая позволяет ему преодолевать большие расстояния между деревьями.
In our recent wildlife survey, we were excited to spot a lesser gliding possum resting on a branch in the canopy.
На нашем недавнем обследовании дикой природы мы были рады увидеть лесного летучего поссума, отдыхающего на ветке в кроне дерева.
Conservation efforts are crucial for protecting the habitat of the lesser gliding possum, which is threatened by deforestation.
Усилия по охране природы очень важны для защиты среды обитания лесного летучего поссума, который находится под угрозой из-за вырубки лесов.
While "lesser gliding possum" is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, other related phrases may touch upon themes of conservation, wildlife, and environment. Here are examples of sentences that illustrate the significance of relating to wildlife:
"It’s as rare as finding a lesser gliding possum in an urban area."
Это так же редко, как найти лесного летучего поссума в городской местности.
"Protecting habitats is just as important as saving the lesser gliding possum itself."
Защита сред обитания столь же важна, как и спасение самого лесного летучего поссума.
The name "lesser gliding possum" combines "lesser," derived from Old English leaswe, meaning "smaller" or "of lower degree," with "gliding," which originates from the Middle English gliden, akin to Old Norse glida, meaning "to slide." The word "possum" comes from the Algonquin word wapathemau, which refers to the animal.
- Sugar glider (though a distinct species, it shares similar characteristics)
- Flying possum
- Terrestrial marsupial (such as a kangaroo, which does not have gliding abilities)
- Non-gliding mammals